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177 lines
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177 lines
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// CP: 65001 |
// SimulationX Version: x64 |
within AIDAModelica; |
model Step_analysis "" |
Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput Consign "'input Real' as connector" annotation(Placement( |
transformation(extent={{-105,40},{-65,80}}), |
iconTransformation(extent={{-120,30},{-80,70}}))); |
Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput State "'input Real' as connector" annotation(Placement( |
transformation(extent={{-105,-15},{-65,25}}), |
iconTransformation(extent={{-120,-70},{-80,-30}}))); |
Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput Stabilized(start=0) "'output Real' as connector" annotation(Placement( |
transformation(extent={{65,35},{85,55}}), |
iconTransformation(extent={{80,30},{120,70}}))); |
Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanOutput Success(start=false) "'output Boolean' as connector" annotation(Placement( |
transformation(extent={{64.7,2.3},{84.7,22.3}}), |
iconTransformation(extent={{80,-70},{120,-30}}))); |
parameter Boolean Desactivate(start=false); |
parameter Real Precision(start=0.05); |
parameter Real Trigger(start=0.1); |
parameter Real Nb_Osc(start=3.0)=1.5; |
Boolean Step_Activ(fixed=false); |
Real Step_Size(start=0); |
Real Step_Start(start=0); |
Real Maximum_Overshot(start=0); |
Real Semi_Period(start=0); |
Real Last_Osc(start=0); |
parameter Real period_cst(start=0.2); |
Real Prev_Consign(start=0); |
Boolean Inside(start=false); |
Real Top[2](start={0,0}); |
Real Prev_Top[2](start={0,0}); |
Real First(start=0); |
Real x(start=0); |
Real DerS; |
parameter Real T(start=100*Modelica.Constants.eps) "time constant for input State derivation"; |
algorithm |
if Desactivate then |
Step_Start:=0; |
Step_Size:=0; |
First:=0; |
Inside:=false; |
Success:=false; |
Maximum_Overshot:=0; |
Semi_Period:=0; |
Prev_Top:={0,0}; |
Top:={0,0}; |
Stabilized:=0; |
else |
//détection d'un step de consign |
if not Step_Activ then |
when abs(Consign-Prev_Consign) > Trigger then |
Step_Activ:=true; |
Step_Start:=time; |
Step_Size:=Consign-Prev_Consign; |
end when; |
Prev_Consign:=Consign; |
elseif Step_Activ then |
//il faut surveiller que la consign ne varie plus |
/*if abs(Consign-Prev_Consign) > Trigger then |
Step_Start:=time; |
Step_Size:=Consign-Prev_Consign; |
First:=0; |
Inside:=false; |
Success:=false; |
Maximum_Overshot:=0; |
Semi_Period:=0; |
Prev_Top:={0,0}; |
Top:={0,0}; |
Stabilized:=0; |
end if ;*/ |
//Détermination du temps de réponse pour un réponse non oscillatoire |
when abs(State-Consign) < Precision*abs(Step_Size) then |
First:=time-Step_Start; |
Stabilized:=First; |
Inside:=true; |
elsewhen abs(State-Consign) >= Precision*abs(Step_Size) then |
Inside:=false; |
Success:=false; |
end when; |
//si on est à la consigne au bout de N période, la réponse est Inside |
when time-(First+Step_Start)>Semi_Period*Nb_Osc and Inside and Semi_Period>0 then |
Success:=true; |
end when; |
//calcul de la semi-période d'oscillation, si on est passé une fois autour de la consign (First>0) |
when not Success and abs(DerS)<abs(Step_Size)/1000 and First>0 then //si success, la réponse est stabilisée : on ne calcule plus la période |
//premier passage |
if Last_Osc==0 then |
Maximum_Overshot:= (State - Consign)/Step_Size; |
//deuxième passage |
elseif Last_Osc<>0 and Semi_Period==0 then |
Semi_Period:=2*(time-Last_Osc); |
//troisième passage et plus |
elseif Last_Osc<>0 then |
Semi_Period:=(1-period_cst)*Semi_Period+2*period_cst*(time-Last_Osc); |
end if; |
Last_Osc:=time; |
//enregistrement des sommets successifs |
if (State-Consign)*sign(Step_Size)>0 then |
Prev_Top:=Top; |
Top[1]:=time-Step_Start; |
Top[2]:=State-Consign; |
end if; |
// estimation par interpolation du temps de réponse : en prenant le dernier instant ou on passe sous le seuil, le résultat est discontinu car dépend de la localisation extact de la dernière oscillation |
if Stabilized==First and Inside and Prev_Top[1]>0 and State-Consign>0 then |
Stabilized:=Top[1]+(Precision*Step_Size-Top[2])*(Top[1]-Prev_Top[1])/(Top[2]-Prev_Top[2]); |
end if; |
end when; |
end if; |
end if; |
initial equation |
x=0; |
equation |
//calcul de la dérivée de l'entrée State (sinon ne fonctionne pas en FMU, car on ne peux avoir un bloc dérivé directement sur une entrée : Error type DerOfInput) |
if Desactivate then |
DerS=0; |
else |
der(x)=(State-x)/T; |
DerS=(State-x)/T; |
end if; |
annotation( |
Diagram(graphics={ |
Line( |
points={{-50,5},{-35,5},{-25,70},{-20,45},{-15,55},{-10, |
50},{-5,50},{40,50}}, |
smooth=Smooth.Bezier), |
Line(points={{40,55},{-60,55}}), |
Line(points={{40,45},{-60,45}}), |
Text( |
textString="x % of target", |
fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid, |
extent={{-5,30},{35,20}}), |
Line(points={{-20,55},{-20,5}}), |
Line(points={{-40,15},{-40,5}}), |
Text( |
textString="Time to reach", |
fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid, |
extent={{-15,35},{35,25}}), |
Line( |
points={{-50,5},{-35,5},{-25,70},{-20,45},{-15,55},{-10, |
50},{-5,50},{40,50}}, |
smooth=Smooth.Bezier), |
Line(points={{40,55},{-60,55}}), |
Line(points={{40,45},{-60,45}}), |
Text( |
textString="x % of target", |
fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid, |
extent={{-5,30},{35,20}}), |
Line(points={{-20,55},{-20,5}}), |
Line(points={{-40,15},{-40,5}}), |
Text( |
textString="Time to reach", |
fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid, |
extent={{-15,35},{35,25}})}), |
experiment( |
StopTime=1, |
StartTime=0, |
Interval=0.001)); |
end Step_analysis;