To limit the size of the git repository and make building of the simulator easier, it would be good to add a Maven/Tycho configuration (Maven/Tycho can take care of dependencies provisionning).
Use the Orbit repository published by the Eclipse Foundation as far as possible (IP-clean by design). See for more information.
To limit the size of the git repository and make building of the simulator easier, it would be good to add a Maven/Tycho configuration (Maven/Tycho can take care of dependencies provisionning).
Use the Orbit repository published by the Eclipse Foundation as far as possible (IP-clean by design). See for more information.
To limit the size of the git repository and make building of the simulator easier, it would be good to add a Maven/Tycho configuration (Maven/Tycho can take care of dependencies provisionning).
Use the Orbit repository published by the Eclipse Foundation as far as possible (IP-clean by design). See for more information.