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6 years ago
Copyright (C) 1996-2002 by Jorn Lind-Nielsen
All rights reserved
Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
license or royalty fees, to use, reproduce, prepare derivative
works, distribute, and display this software and its documentation
for any purpose, provided that (1) the above copyright notice and
the following two paragraphs appear in all copies of the source code
and (2) redistributions, including without limitation binaries,
reproduce these notices in the supporting documentation. Substantial
modifications to this software may be copyrighted by their authors
and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided
that the new terms are clearly indicated in all files where they apply.
$Header: /cvsroot/buddy/buddy/src/bdd.h,v 2004/06/25 13:22:09 haimcohen Exp $
FILE: bdd.h
DESCR: C,C++ User interface for the BDD package
AUTH: Jorn Lind
DATE: (C) feb 1997
#ifndef _BDD_H
#define _BDD_H
/* Allow this headerfile to define C++ constructs if requested */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <stdio.h>
/*=== Defined operators for apply calls ================================*/
#define bddop_and 0
#define bddop_xor 1
#define bddop_or 2
#define bddop_nand 3
#define bddop_nor 4
#define bddop_imp 5
#define bddop_biimp 6
#define bddop_diff 7
#define bddop_less 8
#define bddop_invimp 9
/* Should *not* be used in bdd_apply calls !!! */
#define bddop_not 10
#define bddop_simplify 11
/*=== User BDD types ===================================================*/
typedef int BDD;
typedef BDD bdd;
#endif /* CPLUSPLUS */
typedef struct s_bddPair
BDD *result;
int last;
int id;
struct s_bddPair *next;
} bddPair;
/*=== Status information ===============================================*/
NAME {* bddStat *}
SECTION {* kernel *}
SHORT {* Status information about the bdd package *}
PROTO {* typedef struct s_bddStat
long int produced;
int nodenum;
int maxnodenum;
int freenodes;
int minfreenodes;
int varnum;
int cachesize;
int gbcnum;
} bddStat; *}
DESCR {* The fields are \\[\baselineskip] \begin{tabular}{lp{10cm}}
{\tt produced} & total number of new nodes ever produced \\
{\tt nodenum} & currently allocated number of bdd nodes \\
{\tt maxnodenum} & user defined maximum number of bdd nodes \\
{\tt freenodes} & number of currently free nodes \\
{\tt minfreenodes} & minimum number of nodes that should be left after a
garbage collection. \\
{\tt varnum} & number of defined bdd variables \\
{\tt cachesize} & number of entries in the internal caches \\
{\tt gbcnum} & number of garbage collections done until now
\end{tabular} *}
ALSO {* bdd\_stats *}
typedef struct s_bddStat
long int produced;
int nodenum;
int maxnodenum;
int freenodes;
int minfreenodes;
int varnum;
int cachesize;
int gbcnum;
} bddStat;
NAME {* bddGbcStat *}
SECTION {* kernel *}
SHORT {* Status information about garbage collections *}
PROTO {* typedef struct s_bddGbcStat
int nodes;
int freenodes;
long time;
long sumtime;
int num;
} bddGbcStat; *}
DESCR {* The fields are \\[\baselineskip] \begin{tabular}{ll}
{\tt nodes} & Total number of allocated nodes in the nodetable \\
{\tt freenodes} & Number of free nodes in the nodetable \\
{\tt time} & Time used for garbage collection this time \\
{\tt sumtime} & Total time used for garbage collection \\
{\tt num} & number of garbage collections done until now
\end{tabular} *}
ALSO {* bdd\_gbc\_hook *}
typedef struct s_bddGbcStat
int nodes;
int freenodes;
long time;
long sumtime;
int num;
} bddGbcStat;
NAME {* bddCacheStat *}
SECTION {* kernel *}
SHORT {* Status information about cache usage *}
PROTO {* typedef struct s_bddCacheStat
long unsigned int uniqueAccess;
long unsigned int uniqueChain;
long unsigned int uniqueHit;
long unsigned int uniqueMiss;
long unsigned int opHit;
long unsigned int opMiss;
long unsigned int swapCount;
} bddCacheStat; *}
DESCR {* The fields are \\[\baselineskip] \begin{tabular}{ll}
{\bf Name} & {\bf Number of } \\
uniqueAccess & accesses to the unique node table \\
uniqueChain & iterations through the cache chains in the unique node table\\
uniqueHit & entries actually found in the the unique node table \\
uniqueMiss & entries not found in the the unique node table \\
opHit & entries found in the operator caches \\
opMiss & entries not found in the operator caches \\
swapCount & number of variable swaps in reordering \\
\end{tabular} *}
ALSO {* bdd\_cachestats *}
typedef struct s_bddCacheStat
long unsigned int uniqueAccess;
long unsigned int uniqueChain;
long unsigned int uniqueHit;
long unsigned int uniqueMiss;
long unsigned int opHit;
long unsigned int opMiss;
long unsigned int swapCount;
} bddCacheStat;
/*=== BDD interface prototypes =========================================*/
NAME {* bdd\_relprod *}
SECTION {* operator *}
SHORT {* relational product *}
PROTO {* #define bdd_relprod(a,b,var) bdd_appex(a,b,bddop_and,var) *}
DESCR {* Calculates the relational product of {\tt a} and {\tt b} as
{\tt a AND b} with the variables in {\tt var} quantified out
afterwards. *}
RETURN {* The relational product or {\tt bddfalse} on errors. *}
ALSO {* bdd\_appex *}
#define bdd_relprod(a,b,var) bdd_appex((a),(b),bddop_and,(var))
/* In file "kernel.c" */
extern "C" {
typedef void (*bddinthandler)(int);
typedef void (*bddgbchandler)(int,bddGbcStat*);
typedef void (*bdd2inthandler)(int,int);
typedef int (*bddsizehandler)(void);
typedef void (*bddfilehandler)(FILE *, int);
typedef void (*bddallsathandler)(char*, int);
extern bddinthandler bdd_error_hook(bddinthandler);
extern bddgbchandler bdd_gbc_hook(bddgbchandler);
extern bdd2inthandler bdd_resize_hook(bdd2inthandler);
extern bddinthandler bdd_reorder_hook(bddinthandler);
extern bddfilehandler bdd_file_hook(bddfilehandler);
extern int bdd_init(int, int);
extern void bdd_done(void);
extern int bdd_setvarnum(int);
extern int bdd_extvarnum(int);
extern int bdd_isrunning(void);
extern int bdd_setmaxnodenum(int);
extern int bdd_setmaxincrease(int);
extern int bdd_setminfreenodes(int);
extern int bdd_getnodenum(void);
extern int bdd_getallocnum(void);
extern char* bdd_versionstr(void);
extern int bdd_versionnum(void);
extern void bdd_stats(bddStat *);
extern void bdd_cachestats(bddCacheStat *);
extern void bdd_fprintstat(FILE *);
extern void bdd_printstat(void);
extern void bdd_default_gbchandler(int, bddGbcStat *);
extern void bdd_default_errhandler(int);
extern const char *bdd_errstring(int);
extern void bdd_clear_error(void);
extern BDD bdd_true(void);
extern BDD bdd_false(void);
extern int bdd_varnum(void);
extern BDD bdd_ithvar(int);
extern BDD bdd_nithvar(int);
extern int bdd_var(BDD);
extern BDD bdd_low(BDD);
extern BDD bdd_high(BDD);
extern int bdd_varlevel(int);
extern BDD bdd_addref(BDD);
extern BDD bdd_delref(BDD);
extern void bdd_gbc(void);
extern int bdd_scanset(BDD, int**, int*);
extern BDD bdd_makeset(int *, int);
extern bddPair* bdd_newpair(void);
extern int bdd_setpair(bddPair*, int, int);
extern int bdd_setpairs(bddPair*, int*, int*, int);
extern int bdd_setbddpair(bddPair*, int, BDD);
extern int bdd_setbddpairs(bddPair*, int*, BDD*, int);
extern void bdd_resetpair(bddPair *);
extern void bdd_freepair(bddPair*);
/* In bddop.c */
extern int bdd_setcacheratio(int);
extern BDD bdd_buildcube(int, int, BDD *);
extern BDD bdd_ibuildcube(int, int, int *);
extern BDD bdd_not(BDD);
extern BDD bdd_apply(BDD, BDD, int);
extern BDD bdd_and(BDD, BDD);
extern BDD bdd_or(BDD, BDD);
extern BDD bdd_xor(BDD, BDD);
extern BDD bdd_imp(BDD, BDD);
extern BDD bdd_biimp(BDD, BDD);
extern BDD bdd_ite(BDD, BDD, BDD);
extern BDD bdd_restrict(BDD, BDD);
extern BDD bdd_constrain(BDD, BDD);
extern BDD bdd_replace(BDD, bddPair*);
extern BDD bdd_compose(BDD, BDD, BDD);
extern BDD bdd_veccompose(BDD, bddPair*);
extern BDD bdd_simplify(BDD, BDD);
extern BDD bdd_exist(BDD, BDD);
extern BDD bdd_project(BDD, BDD);
extern BDD bdd_forall(BDD, BDD);
extern BDD bdd_unique(BDD, BDD);
extern BDD bdd_appex(BDD, BDD, int, BDD);
extern BDD bdd_appall(BDD, BDD, int, BDD);
extern BDD bdd_appuni(BDD, BDD, int, BDD);
extern BDD bdd_support(BDD);
extern BDD bdd_satone(BDD);
extern BDD bdd_satoneset(BDD, BDD, BDD);
extern BDD bdd_fullsatone(BDD);
extern void bdd_allsat(BDD r, bddallsathandler handler);
extern double bdd_satcount(BDD);
extern double bdd_satcountset(BDD, BDD);
extern double bdd_satcountln(BDD);
extern double bdd_satcountlnset(BDD, BDD);
extern int bdd_nodecount(BDD);
extern int bdd_anodecount(BDD *, int);
extern int* bdd_varprofile(BDD);
extern double bdd_pathcount(BDD);
/* In file "bddio.c" */
extern void bdd_printall(void);
extern void bdd_fprintall(FILE *);
extern void bdd_fprinttable(FILE *, BDD);
extern void bdd_printtable(BDD);
extern void bdd_fprintset(FILE *, BDD);
extern void bdd_printset(BDD);
extern int bdd_fnprintdot(char *, BDD);
extern void bdd_fprintdot(FILE *, BDD);
extern void bdd_printdot(BDD);
extern int bdd_fnsave(char *, BDD);
extern int bdd_save(FILE *, BDD);
extern int bdd_fnload(char *, BDD *);
extern int bdd_load(FILE *ifile, BDD *);
/* In file reorder.c */
extern int bdd_swapvar(int v1, int v2);
extern void bdd_default_reohandler(int);
extern void bdd_reorder(int);
extern int bdd_reorder_gain(void);
extern bddsizehandler bdd_reorder_probe(bddsizehandler);
extern void bdd_clrvarblocks(void);
extern int bdd_addvarblock(BDD, int);
extern int bdd_intaddvarblock(int, int, int);
extern void bdd_varblockall(void);
extern bddfilehandler bdd_blockfile_hook(bddfilehandler);
extern int bdd_autoreorder(int);
extern int bdd_autoreorder_times(int, int);
extern int bdd_var2level(int);
extern int bdd_level2var(int);
extern int bdd_getreorder_times(void);
extern int bdd_getreorder_method(void);
extern void bdd_enable_reorder(void);
extern void bdd_disable_reorder(void);
extern int bdd_reorder_verbose(int);
extern void bdd_setvarorder(int *);
extern void bdd_printorder(void);
extern void bdd_fprintorder(FILE *);
/*=== BDD constants ====================================================*/
extern const BDD bddfalse;
extern const BDD bddtrue;
#endif /* CPLUSPLUS */
/*=== Reordering algorithms ============================================*/
#define BDD_REORDER_WIN2 1
#define BDD_REORDER_WIN3 5
/*=== Error codes ======================================================*/
#define BDD_MEMORY (-1) /* Out of memory */
#define BDD_VAR (-2) /* Unknown variable */
#define BDD_RANGE (-3) /* Variable value out of range (not in domain) */
#define BDD_DEREF (-4) /* Removing external reference to unknown node */
#define BDD_RUNNING (-5) /* Called bdd_init() twice whithout bdd_done() */
#define BDD_FILE (-6) /* Some file operation failed */
#define BDD_FORMAT (-7) /* Incorrect file format */
#define BDD_ORDER (-8) /* Vars. not in order for vector based functions */
#define BDD_BREAK (-9) /* User called break */
#define BDD_VARNUM (-10) /* Different number of vars. for vector pair */
#define BDD_NODES (-11) /* Tried to set max. number of nodes to be fewer */
/* than there already has been allocated */
#define BDD_OP (-12) /* Unknown operator */
#define BDD_VARSET (-13) /* Illegal variable set */
#define BDD_VARBLK (-14) /* Bad variable block operation */
#define BDD_DECVNUM (-15) /* Trying to decrease the number of variables */
#define BDD_REPLACE (-16) /* Replacing to already existing variables */
#define BDD_NODENUM (-17) /* Number of nodes reached user defined maximum */
#define BDD_ILLBDD (-18) /* Illegal bdd argument */
#define BDD_SIZE (-19) /* Illegal size argument */
#define BVEC_SIZE (-20) /* Mismatch in bitvector size */
#define BVEC_SHIFT (-21) /* Illegal shift-left/right parameter */
#define BVEC_DIVZERO (-22) /* Division by zero */
#define BDD_ERRNUM 24
If this file is included from a C++ compiler then the following
classes, wrappers and hacks are supplied.
#include <iostream>
/*=== User BDD class ===================================================*/
class bvec;
class bdd
bdd(void) { root=0; }
bdd(const bdd &r) { bdd_addref(root=r.root); }
~bdd(void) { bdd_delref(root); }
int id(void) const;
bdd operator=(const bdd &r);
bdd operator&(const bdd &r) const;
bdd operator&=(const bdd &r);
bdd operator^(const bdd &r) const;
bdd operator^=(const bdd &r);
bdd operator|(const bdd &r) const;
bdd operator|=(const bdd &r);
bdd operator!(void) const;
bdd operator>>(const bdd &r) const;
bdd operator>>=(const bdd &r);
bdd operator-(const bdd &r) const;
bdd operator-=(const bdd &r);
bdd operator>(const bdd &r) const;
bdd operator<(const bdd &r) const;
bdd operator<<(const bdd &r) const;
bdd operator<<=(const bdd &r);
int operator==(const bdd &r) const;
int operator!=(const bdd &r) const;
BDD root;
bdd(BDD r) { bdd_addref(root=r); }
bdd operator=(BDD r);
friend int bdd_init(int, int);
friend int bdd_setvarnum(int);
friend bdd bdd_true(void);
friend bdd bdd_false(void);
friend bdd bdd_ithvarpp(int);
friend bdd bdd_nithvarpp(int);
friend int bdd_var(const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_low(const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_high(const bdd &);
friend int bdd_scanset(const bdd &, int *&, int &);
friend bdd bdd_makesetpp(int *, int);
friend int bdd_setbddpair(bddPair*, int, const bdd &);
friend int bdd_setbddpairs(bddPair*, int*, const bdd *, int);
friend bdd bdd_buildcube(int, int, const bdd *);
friend bdd bdd_ibuildcubepp(int, int, int *);
friend bdd bdd_not(const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_simplify(const bdd &, const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_apply(const bdd &, const bdd &, int);
friend bdd bdd_and(const bdd &, const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_or(const bdd &, const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_xor(const bdd &, const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_imp(const bdd &, const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_biimp(const bdd &, const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_ite(const bdd &, const bdd &, const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_restrict(const bdd &, const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_constrain(const bdd &, const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_exist(const bdd &, const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_project(const bdd &, const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_forall(const bdd &, const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_unique(const bdd &, const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_appex(const bdd &, const bdd &, int, const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_appall(const bdd &, const bdd &, int, const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_appuni(const bdd &, const bdd &, int, const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_replace(const bdd &, bddPair*);
friend bdd bdd_compose(const bdd &, const bdd &, int);
friend bdd bdd_veccompose(const bdd &, bddPair*);
friend bdd bdd_support(const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_satone(const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_satoneset(const bdd &, const bdd &, const bdd &);
friend bdd bdd_fullsatone(const bdd &);
friend void bdd_allsat(const bdd &r, bddallsathandler handler);
friend double bdd_satcount(const bdd &);
friend double bdd_satcountset(const bdd &, const bdd &);
friend double bdd_satcountln(const bdd &);
friend double bdd_satcountlnset(const bdd &, const bdd &);
friend int bdd_nodecount(const bdd &);
friend int bdd_anodecountpp(const bdd *, int);
friend int* bdd_varprofile(const bdd &);
friend double bdd_pathcount(const bdd &);
friend void bdd_fprinttable(FILE *, const bdd &);
friend void bdd_printtable(const bdd &);
friend void bdd_fprintset(FILE *, const bdd &);
friend void bdd_printset(const bdd &);
friend void bdd_printdot(const bdd &);
friend int bdd_fnprintdot(char*, const bdd &);
friend void bdd_fprintdot(FILE*, const bdd &);
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const bdd &);
friend int bdd_fnsave(char*, const bdd &);
friend int bdd_save(FILE*, const bdd &);
friend int bdd_fnload(char*, bdd &);
friend int bdd_load(FILE*, bdd &);
friend bdd fdd_ithvarpp(int, int);
friend bdd fdd_ithsetpp(int);
friend bdd fdd_domainpp(int);
friend int fdd_scanvar(const bdd &, int);
friend int* fdd_scanallvar(const bdd &);
friend bdd fdd_equalspp(int, int);
friend void fdd_printset(const bdd &);
friend void fdd_fprintset(FILE*, const bdd &);
friend bdd fdd_makesetpp(int*, int);
friend int fdd_scanset(const bdd &, int *&, int &);
friend int bdd_addvarblock(const bdd &, int);
friend class bvec;
friend bvec bvec_ite(const bdd& a, const bvec& b, const bvec& c);
friend bvec bvec_shlfixed(const bvec &e, int pos, const bdd &c);
friend bvec bvec_shl(const bvec &left, const bvec &right, const bdd &c);
friend bvec bvec_shrfixed(const bvec &e, int pos, const bdd &c);
friend bvec bvec_shr(const bvec &left, const bvec &right, const bdd &c);
friend bdd bvec_lth(const bvec &left, const bvec &right);
friend bdd bvec_lte(const bvec &left, const bvec &right);
friend bdd bvec_gth(const bvec &left, const bvec &right);
friend bdd bvec_gte(const bvec &left, const bvec &right);
friend bdd bvec_equ(const bvec &left, const bvec &right);
friend bdd bvec_neq(const bvec &left, const bvec &right);
/*=== BDD constants ====================================================*/
extern const bdd bddfalsepp;
extern const bdd bddtruepp;
#define bddtrue bddtruepp
#define bddfalse bddfalsepp
/*=== C++ interface ====================================================*/
extern int bdd_cpp_init(int, int);
inline void bdd_stats(bddStat& s)
{ bdd_stats(&s); }
inline bdd bdd_ithvarpp(int v)
{ return bdd_ithvar(v); }
inline bdd bdd_nithvarpp(int v)
{ return bdd_nithvar(v); }
inline int bdd_var(const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_var(r.root); }
inline bdd bdd_low(const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_low(r.root); }
inline bdd bdd_high(const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_high(r.root); }
inline int bdd_scanset(const bdd &r, int *&v, int &n)
{ return bdd_scanset(r.root, &v, &n); }
inline bdd bdd_makesetpp(int *v, int n)
{ return bdd(bdd_makeset(v,n)); }
inline int bdd_setbddpair(bddPair *p, int ov, const bdd &nv)
{ return bdd_setbddpair(p,ov,nv.root); }
/* In bddop.c */
inline bdd bdd_replace(const bdd &r, bddPair *p)
{ return bdd_replace(r.root, p); }
inline bdd bdd_compose(const bdd &f, const bdd &g, int v)
{ return bdd_compose(f.root, g.root, v); }
inline bdd bdd_veccompose(const bdd &f, bddPair *p)
{ return bdd_veccompose(f.root, p); }
inline bdd bdd_restrict(const bdd &r, const bdd &var)
{ return bdd_restrict(r.root, var.root); }
inline bdd bdd_constrain(const bdd &f, const bdd &c)
{ return bdd_constrain(f.root, c.root); }
inline bdd bdd_simplify(const bdd &d, const bdd &b)
{ return bdd_simplify(d.root, b.root); }
inline bdd bdd_ibuildcubepp(int v, int w, int *a)
{ return bdd_ibuildcube(v,w,a); }
inline bdd bdd_not(const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_not(r.root); }
inline bdd bdd_apply(const bdd &l, const bdd &r, int op)
{ return bdd_apply(l.root, r.root, op); }
inline bdd bdd_and(const bdd &l, const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_apply(l.root, r.root, bddop_and); }
inline bdd bdd_or(const bdd &l, const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_apply(l.root, r.root, bddop_or); }
inline bdd bdd_xor(const bdd &l, const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_apply(l.root, r.root, bddop_xor); }
inline bdd bdd_imp(const bdd &l, const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_apply(l.root, r.root, bddop_imp); }
inline bdd bdd_biimp(const bdd &l, const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_apply(l.root, r.root, bddop_biimp); }
inline bdd bdd_ite(const bdd &f, const bdd &g, const bdd &h)
{ return bdd_ite(f.root, g.root, h.root); }
inline bdd bdd_exist(const bdd &r, const bdd &var)
{ return bdd_exist(r.root, var.root); }
inline bdd bdd_project(const bdd &r, const bdd &var)
{ return bdd_project(r.root, var.root); }
inline bdd bdd_forall(const bdd &r, const bdd &var)
{ return bdd_forall(r.root, var.root); }
inline bdd bdd_unique(const bdd &r, const bdd &var)
{ return bdd_unique(r.root, var.root); }
inline bdd bdd_appex(const bdd &l, const bdd &r, int op, const bdd &var)
{ return bdd_appex(l.root, r.root, op, var.root); }
inline bdd bdd_appall(const bdd &l, const bdd &r, int op, const bdd &var)
{ return bdd_appall(l.root, r.root, op, var.root); }
inline bdd bdd_appuni(const bdd &l, const bdd &r, int op, const bdd &var)
{ return bdd_appuni(l.root, r.root, op, var.root); }
inline bdd bdd_support(const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_support(r.root); }
inline bdd bdd_satone(const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_satone(r.root); }
inline bdd bdd_satoneset(const bdd &r, const bdd &var, const bdd &pol)
{ return bdd_satoneset(r.root, var.root, pol.root); }
inline bdd bdd_fullsatone(const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_fullsatone(r.root); }
inline void bdd_allsat(const bdd &r, bddallsathandler handler)
{ bdd_allsat(r.root, handler); }
inline double bdd_satcount(const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_satcount(r.root); }
inline double bdd_satcountset(const bdd &r, const bdd &varset)
{ return bdd_satcountset(r.root, varset.root); }
inline double bdd_satcountln(const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_satcountln(r.root); }
inline double bdd_satcountlnset(const bdd &r, const bdd &varset)
{ return bdd_satcountlnset(r.root, varset.root); }
inline int bdd_nodecount(const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_nodecount(r.root); }
inline int* bdd_varprofile(const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_varprofile(r.root); }
inline double bdd_pathcount(const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_pathcount(r.root); }
/* I/O extensions */
inline void bdd_fprinttable(FILE *file, const bdd &r)
{ bdd_fprinttable(file, r.root); }
inline void bdd_printtable(const bdd &r)
{ bdd_printtable(r.root); }
inline void bdd_fprintset(FILE *file, const bdd &r)
{ bdd_fprintset(file, r.root); }
inline void bdd_printset(const bdd &r)
{ bdd_printset(r.root); }
inline void bdd_printdot(const bdd &r)
{ bdd_printdot(r.root); }
inline void bdd_fprintdot(FILE* ofile, const bdd &r)
{ bdd_fprintdot(ofile, r.root); }
inline int bdd_fnprintdot(char* fname, const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_fnprintdot(fname, r.root); }
inline int bdd_fnsave(char *fname, const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_fnsave(fname, r.root); }
inline int bdd_save(FILE *ofile, const bdd &r)
{ return bdd_save(ofile, r.root); }
inline int bdd_fnload(char *fname, bdd &r)
{ int lr,e; e=bdd_fnload(fname, &lr); r=bdd(lr); return e; }
inline int bdd_load(FILE *ifile, bdd &r)
{ int lr,e; e=bdd_load(ifile, &lr); r=bdd(lr); return e; }
inline int bdd_addvarblock(const bdd &v, int f)
{ return bdd_addvarblock(v.root, f); }
/* Hack to allow for overloading */
#define bdd_init bdd_cpp_init
#define bdd_ithvar bdd_ithvarpp
#define bdd_nithvar bdd_nithvarpp
#define bdd_makeset bdd_makesetpp
#define bdd_ibuildcube bdd_ibuildcubepp
#define bdd_anodecount bdd_anodecountpp
/*=== Inline C++ functions =============================================*/
inline int bdd::id(void) const
{ return root; }
inline bdd bdd::operator&(const bdd &r) const
{ return bdd_apply(*this,r,bddop_and); }
inline bdd bdd::operator&=(const bdd &r)
{ return (*this=bdd_apply(*this,r,bddop_and)); }
inline bdd bdd::operator^(const bdd &r) const
{ return bdd_apply(*this,r,bddop_xor); }
inline bdd bdd::operator^=(const bdd &r)
{ return (*this=bdd_apply(*this,r,bddop_xor)); }
inline bdd bdd::operator|(const bdd &r) const
{ return bdd_apply(*this,r,bddop_or); }
inline bdd bdd::operator|=(const bdd &r)
{ return (*this=bdd_apply(*this,r,bddop_or)); }
inline bdd bdd::operator!(void) const
{ return bdd_not(*this);}
inline bdd bdd::operator>>(const bdd &r) const
{ return bdd_apply(*this,r,bddop_imp); }
inline bdd bdd::operator>>=(const bdd &r)
{ return (*this=bdd_apply(*this,r,bddop_imp)); }
inline bdd bdd::operator-(const bdd &r) const
{ return bdd_apply(*this,r,bddop_diff); }
inline bdd bdd::operator-=(const bdd &r)
{ return (*this=bdd_apply(*this,r,bddop_diff)); }
inline bdd bdd::operator>(const bdd &r) const
{ return bdd_apply(*this,r,bddop_diff); }
inline bdd bdd::operator<(const bdd &r) const
{ return bdd_apply(*this,r,bddop_less); }
inline bdd bdd::operator<<(const bdd &r) const
{ return bdd_apply(*this,r,bddop_invimp); }
inline bdd bdd::operator<<=(const bdd &r)
{ return (*this=bdd_apply(*this,r,bddop_invimp)); }
inline int bdd::operator==(const bdd &r) const
{ return r.root==root; }
inline int bdd::operator!=(const bdd &r) const
{ return r.root!=root; }
inline bdd bdd_true(void)
{ return 1; }
inline bdd bdd_false(void)
{ return 0; }
/*=== Iostream printing ================================================*/
class bdd_ioformat
bdd_ioformat(int f) { format=f; }
bdd_ioformat(void) { }
int format;
static int curformat;
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const bdd_ioformat &);
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const bdd &);
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const bdd &);
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const bdd_ioformat &);
extern bdd_ioformat bddset;
extern bdd_ioformat bddtable;
extern bdd_ioformat bdddot;
extern bdd_ioformat bddall;
extern bdd_ioformat fddset;
typedef void (*bddstrmhandler)(std::ostream &, int);
extern bddstrmhandler bdd_strm_hook(bddstrmhandler);
#endif /* CPLUSPLUS */
#endif /* _BDD_H */
/* EOF */