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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
32 lines
1.1 KiB
32 lines
1.1 KiB
\documentclass[tikz]{standalone} |
\usepackage{tikz} |
\usetikzlibrary{arrows,shapes,shapes.geometric,decorations,automata,shadows} |
\tikzstyle{edge}=[draw,thick,->] \tikzset{state/.style={draw, text |
centered, thick, rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, rounded |
corners,fill=blue!10}} |
\newcommand{\STATE}[2]{\makebox[5em]{\vphantom{I}{\ttfamily #1}}\nodepart{second} \makebox[4em]{\vphantom{I}{\ttfamily #2}}} |
\begin{document} |
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.25, |
initial text={}, |
initial distance=2em, |
every initial by arrow/.style={thick,*->}] |
\node [state,initial] (s0) at (0,-1) {\STATE{NOMINAL}{O = I}}; |
\node [state] (s1) at (4,0) {\STATE{LOST}{O = Loss}}; |
\node [state] (s2) at (4,-2) {\STATE{ERROR}{O = Err}}; |
\path[edge] (s0) edge[bend left] node[below, yshift=-10pt] |
{{\ttfamily fail\_loss}} (s1); |
\path[edge] (s0) edge[bend right] node[right, yshift=5pt] {{\ttfamily fail\_err}} (s2); |
\path[edge] (s2) edge node[right] {{\ttfamily fail\_loss}} (s1); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{document} |
%%% Local Variables: |
%%% mode: latex |
%%% TeX-master: t |
%%% End: