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\begin{document} |
%% |
\title{Model-Checking Approach to Analyse\\ |
Temporal Model Properties with AltaRica} |
%% |
\author{Alexandre Albore} |
%%\institute{Institute of Research and Technology (IRT) Saint Exup\'ery, Toulouse, France \and |
%%LAAS-CNRS, Universit\'e de Toulouse, CNRS, Toulouse, France \and |
%%ONERA, 2 Avenue Edouard Belin, 31055 Toulouse, France |
%% } |
%% |
%%\frontmatter |
\maketitle |
\setcounter{footnote}{0} |
%% |
% \noindent\textbf{keywords:} Verification of Safety Requirements; System |
% Architecture Specification; Realtime Model-Checking.\\ |
%% |
\begin{abstract} |
The design of complex safety critical systems raises new technical |
challenges for industrials. As systems become more complex---and |
include more and more interacting functions---it becomes harder to |
evaluate the safety implications of local failures and their |
possible propagations through a whole system. That is all the more |
true when we add time to the problem, that is when we consider the |
impact of computation times and delays on the propagation of |
failures. |
We describe an approach that extends models developed for Safety |
Analysis with timing information and provide tools to reason on the |
correctness of temporal safety conditions. Our approach is based on |
an extension of the AltaRica language where we can associate timing |
constraints with events and relies on a translation into a realtime |
model-checking toolset. We illustrate our method with an example |
that is representative of safety architectures found in critical |
systems. This example shows that considering propagation delays |
early during the validation of a system can help us uncover failure |
modes that cannot be detected with the untimed models currently |
used. |
\end{abstract} |
\tableofcontents |
% \section*{Acknowledgments}\label{sec:Acknowledgments} |
% Authors would like to thank YYYYY. |
% and could have a beneficial impact on the early validation of system |
% behaviour |
\chapter{Introduction} |
\input{1-introduction} |
\chapter{State of the art} |
\label{soa}\input{2-sota} |
\chapter{A Model-Checking Approach to Analyse Temporal Failure Propagation with AltaRica} |
\label{altarica}\input{3-imbsa} |
\chapter{A Case Study: FDIR in a Satellite AOCS} |
\label{aocs} |
\input{4-aocs} |
\chapter{Conclusions} |
\input{5-conclusions} |
\bibliographystyle{abbrv} |
\bibliography{paper,tina} |
\newpage |
\appendix |
\chapter*{Appendix A} |
\setcounter{chapter}{1} |
\input{app.tex} |
%\chapter*{Appendix} |
%%\input{commandlines} |
%% Good results and proving that a mathematical model underlying model representation allows to use properties and tools for automatic safety assessment. |
\end{document} |
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%%% End: