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@inproceedings{albore2017IMBSA, |
title={A Model-Checking Approach to Analyse Temporal Failure Propagation with {A}lta{R}ica}, |
author={Albore, Alexandre and Dal Zilio, Silvano and Infantes, Guillaume and Seguin, Christel and Virelizier, Pierre}, |
booktitle={International Symposium on Model-Based Safety and Assessment -- LNCS}, |
pages={147--162}, |
year={2017}, |
volume={10437}, |
organization={Springer} |
} |
@inproceedings{albore2018ERTS, |
title={Timed Formal Model and Verification of Satellite {FDIR} in Early Design Phase}, |
author={Albore, Alexandre and Dal Zilio, Silvano and de Roquemaurel, Marie and Seguin, Christel and Virelizier, Pierre}, |
booktitle={9th European Congress on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems}, |
OPTpages={147--162}, |
year={2018}, |
address={Toulouse, France} |
} |
@article{nusmv, |
title={{NuSMV}: a new symbolic model checker}, |
author={Cimatti, Alessandro and Clarke, Edmund and Giunchiglia, Fausto and Roveri, Marco}, |
journal={International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer}, |
volume={2}, |
number={4}, |
pages={410--425}, |
year={2000}, |
publisher={Springer} |
} |
@article{bozzano2010safety, |
title={Safety, dependability and performance analysis of extended AADL models}, |
author={Bozzano, Marco and Cimatti, Alessandro and Katoen, Joost-Pieter and Nguyen, Viet Yen and Noll, Thomas and Roveri, Marco}, |
journal={The Computer Journal}, |
volume={54}, |
number={5}, |
pages={754--775}, |
year={2010}, |
publisher={Oxford University Press} |
} |
@inproceedings{PRISM, |
title={PRISM 4.0: Verification of Probabilistic Real-time Systems}, |
author={Kwiatkowska, Marta and Gethin, Norman and Parker, David}, |
booktitle={International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV’11) -- LNCS}, |
pages={585-591}, |
year={2011}, |
volume={6806}, |
organization={Springer} |
} |
@inproceedings{brunel2017performing, |
title={Performing Safety Analyses with AADL and AltaRica}, |
author={Brunel, Julien and Feiler, Peter and Hugues, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Lewis, Bruce and Prosvirnova, Tatiana and Seguin, Christel and Wrage, Lutz}, |
booktitle={International Symposium on Model-Based Safety and Assessment -- LNCS}, |
pages={67--81}, |
year={2017}, |
volume={10437}, |
organization={Springer} |
} |
@article{KNP04b, |
author={M. Kwiatkowska and G. Norman and D. Parker}, |
title={Probabilistic Symbolic Model Checking with {PRISM}: A Hybrid Approach}, |
journal={International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)}, |
year={2004}, |
volume={6}, |
number={2}, |
pages={128--142} |
} |
@Article{arn00, |
author = {Arnold, A. and Griffault, A. and Point, G. and Rauzy, A.}, |
title = {The {AltaRica} formalism for describing concurrent systems }, |
journal = {Fundamenta Informatic{\ae}}, |
year = {2000}, |
volume = {40}, |
number={2, 3}, |
publisher={IOS Press}, |
pages = {109-124} |
} |
@book{Stamatis, |
author = {Stamatis, D. H.}, |
title = {Failure {M}ode and {E}ffect Analysis: {FMEA} from Theory to Execution}, |
date = {2003}, |
publisher = {ASQ Quality Press} |
} |
@article{papadopoulos2011engineering, |
title={Engineering failure analysis and design optimisation with {H}i{P}-{HOPS}}, |
author={Papadopoulos, Yiannis and Walker, Martin and Parker, David and R{\"u}de, Erich and Hamann, Rainer and Uhlig, Andreas and Gr{\"a}tz, Uwe and Lien, Rune}, |
journal={Engineering Failure Analysis}, |
volume={18}, |
number={2}, |
pages={590--608}, |
year={2011}, |
publisher={Elsevier} |
} |
@phdthesis{walker2009pandora, |
title={Pandora: a logic for the qualitative analysis of temporal fault trees}, |
author={Walker, Martin David}, |
year={2009}, |
school={The University of Hull} |
} |
@article{pagetti2004, |
title={A timed extension for {A}lta{R}ica}, |
author={Cassez, Franck and Pagetti, Claire and Roux, Olivier}, |
journal={Fundamenta Informatic{\ae}}, |
volume={62}, |
number={3-4}, |
pages={291--332}, |
year={2004}, |
publisher={IOS Press} |
} |
@article{stamatelatos2002fault, |
title={Fault tree handbook with aerospace applications}, |
author={Stamatelatos, Michael and Vesely, William and Dugan, Joanne and Fragola, Joseph and Minarick, Joseph and Railsback, Jan}, |
year={2002}, |
publisher={{NASA}, Washington, DC} |
} |
@book{FMEA, |
author = {United States military procedure MIL-P-1629}, |
title = {Procedure for performing a failure mode effect and criticality analysis}, |
date = {1949} |
} |
@inproceedings{figaro, |
author = {Bouissou, M}, |
title = {Automated dependability analysis of complex systems with the KB3 workbench: the experience of EDF R\&D}, |
booktitle = {Proceedings of CIEM}, |
date = {2005}, |
OPTeventtitle = {eventtitle}, |
eventdate = {22–25 October 2005}, |
venue = {Bucharest, Romania} |
} |
@inproceedings{daws, |
author = { Daws, C. and Yovine, S.}, |
editor = {IEEE}, |
title = {Reducing the Number of Clock Variables of Timed Automata}, |
booktitle = {17th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium}, |
date = {1996}, |
venue = {Washington, DC} |
} |
@article{uppaal1997, |
author = {K. G. Larsen and P. Pettersson and W. Yi}, |
title = {UPPAAL in a nutshell}, |
journaltitle = {International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)}, |
date = {1997}, |
volume = {1}, |
number = {1}, |
pages = {134-152} |
} |
@inproceedings{uppaal2006, |
title={{UPPAAL} 4.0}, |
author={Behrmann, Gerd and David, Alexandre and Larsen, Kim Guldstrand and Hakansson, John and Petterson, Paul and Yi, Wang and Hendriks, Martijn}, |
booktitle={Quantitative Evaluation of Systems, 2006 (QEST 2006)}, |
pages={125--126}, |
year={2006}, |
organization={IEEE} |
} |
@article{bernard2007experiments, |
title={Experiments in model based safety analysis: {F}light controls}, |
author={Bernard, Romain and Aubert, Jean-Jacques and Bieber, Pierre and Merlini, Christophe and Metge, Sylvain}, |
journal={IFAC Proceedings Volumes}, |
volume={40}, |
number={6}, |
pages={43--48}, |
year={2007}, |
publisher={Elsevier} |
} |
@inproceedings{bieber2002combination, |
title={Combination of fault tree analysis and model checking for safety assessment of complex system}, |
author={Bieber, Pierre and Castel, Charles and Seguin, Christel}, |
booktitle={European Dependable Computing Conference}, |
pages={19--31}, |
year={2002}, |
organization={Springer} |
} |
@InProceedings{poi99, |
author = {Point, G. and Rauzy, A.}, |
title = {{AltaRica} - Langage de mod{\'e}lisation par automates \`a contraintes}, |
booktitle = {Actes du Congr\'es Mod\'elisation des Syst\`emes R\'eactifs}, |
year = {1999}, |
publisher = {Herm\`es ed.} |
} |
@InProceedings{rauzy02, |
author = {Rauzy, A.}, |
title = {Mode automata and their compilation into fault trees}, |
booktitle = {Reliability Engineering and |
System Safety}, |
year = {2002} |
} |
@incollection{bieber2004safety, |
title={Safety assessment with {A}ltarica}, |
author={Bieber, Pierre and Bougnol, Christian and Castel, Charles and Kehren, Jean-Pierre Heckmann Christophe and Metge, Sylvain and Seguin, Christel}, |
booktitle={Building the Information Society}, |
pages={505--510}, |
year={2004}, |
publisher={Springer} |
} |
@Article{rau08, |
author = {Rauzy A.}, |
title = {Guarded {T}ransition {S}ystems: a new States/Events Formalism for Reliability Studies}, |
journal = {Journal of Risk and Reliability}, |
year = {2008}, |
volume = {222}, |
number = {4} |
} |
@article{prosvirnova2013altarica, |
title={The {A}lta{R}ica 3.0 project for {M}odel-{B}ased {S}afety {A}ssessment}, |
author={Prosvirnova, Tatiana and Batteux, Michel and Brameret, Pierre-Antoine and Cherfi, Abraham and Friedlhuber, Thomas and Roussel, Jean-Marc and Rauzy, Antoine}, |
journal={IFAC Proceedings Volumes}, |
volume={46}, |
number={22}, |
pages={127--132}, |
year={2013}, |
publisher={Elsevier} |
} |
@inproceedings{thomas2013, |
title={Model-Based {RAMS} \& {FDIR} Co-Engineering at {A}strium Satellites}, |
author={Thomas, Dave and Blanquart, Jean-Paul}, |
booktitle={Data System In Aerospace (DASIA 2013)}, |
publisher ={ESA Special Publication}, |
volume={720}, |
pages={33}, |
year={2013} |
} |
@article{arnold1999altarica, |
title={The {AltaRica} formalism for describing concurrent systems}, |
author={Arnold, Andr{\'e} and Point, G{\'e}rald and Griffault, Alain and Rauzy, Antoine}, |
journal={Fundamenta Informaticae}, |
volume={40}, |
number={2, 3}, |
pages={109--124}, |
year={1999}, |
publisher={IOS Press} |
} |
@inproceedings{bouissou05, |
author = { Bouissou, M.}, |
title = {Automated dependability analysis of complex systems with the KB3 workbench: the experience of EDF R\&D}, |
booktitle = {International Conference on ENERGY and ENVIRONMENT (CIEM)}, |
year = {2005} |
} |
@inproceedings{bittner2014, |
author = {Bittner, B. and Bozzano, M. and Cimatti, A. and De Ferluc, R. and Gario, M. and Guiotto, A. and Yushtein, Y.}, |
title = {An Integrated Process for {FDIR} Design in Aerospace}, |
booktitle = {International Symposium on Model Based Safety and Assessment (IMBSA)}, |
year = {2014}, |
venue = {Trento} |
} |
@booklet{arc, |
author = {Point, G. and Griffault, A. and Vincent, A.}, |
title = {AltaRica Checker Handbook - A user-guide to ARC version 1}, |
year = {2010}, |
location = {Talence: LaBRI - CNRS UMR 5800 - Univ. de Bordeaux} |
} |
@report{Griffault06, |
author = {Griffault, A. and Point, G.}, |
title = {On the partial translation of {L}ustre programs into the {A}lta{R}ica language and vice versa}, |
type = {Research Report}, |
institution = {LaBRI - CNRS UMR 5800}, |
year = {2006}, |
number = {1415-06}, |
location = {Bordeaux} |
} |
@inproceedings{mec5, |
author = {A. Griffault and A. Vincent}, |
title = {The {MEC} 5 model-checker}, |
booktitle = {International Conference on Computer Aided Verification}, |
year = {2004} |
} |
@inproceedings{rugina09, |
author = {A.-E. Rugina and J.-P. Blanquart and R. Soumagne}, |
title = {Validating {F}ailure {D}etection {I}solation and {R}ecovery {S}trategies using {T}imed {A}utomata}, |
booktitle = {12th European Workshop on Dependable Computing (EWDC 2009)}, |
year = {2009}, |
venue = {Toulouse} |
} |
@inproceedings{chaki2004, |
title={State/event-based Software Model Checking}, |
author={Chaki, Sagar and Clarke, Edmund M. and Ouaknine, Jo{\"e}l and Sharygina, Natasha and Sinha, Nishant}, |
booktitle={International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods}, |
pages={128--147}, |
year={2004}, |
organization={Springer} |
} |
@inproceedings{cadp, |
title={CADP a protocol validation and verification toolbox}, |
author={Fernandez, Jean-Claude and Garavel, Hubert and Kerbrat, Alain and Mounier, Laurent and Mateescu, Radu and Sighireanu, Mihaela}, |
booktitle={International Conference on Computer Aided Verification}, |
pages={437--440}, |
year={1996}, |
organization={Springer} |
} |
@TechReport{Altarica2.3, |
author = {Antoine B. Rauzy}, |
title = {Alta{R}ica {D}ataflow Language Specification Version 2.3}, |
institution = {Ecole Centrale de Paris}, |
year = {2013}, |
month = {June} |
} |
@InProceedings{epoch, |
author = {Teichteil-K{\"o}nigbuch, Florent and Infantes, Guillaume and Seguin, Christel }, |
title = {{EPOCH} Probabilistic {M}odel-{C}hecking}, |
booktitle = {{M}odel {B}ased {S}afety {A}ssessment workshop}, |
year = {2011}, |
address = {Toulouse, France} |
} |
@inproceedings{bittner2016, |
title={Automated synthesis of timed failure propagation graphs}, |
author={Bittner, Benjamin and Bozzano, Marco and Cimatti, Alessandro}, |
booktitle={Proc. Int. Joint Conf. of Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-16)}, |
pages={972--978}, |
year={2016} |
} |
@article{bozzano2012, |
title={Symbolic {M}odel {C}hecking and safety assessment of {AltaRica} models}, |
author={Bozzano, Marco and Cimatti, Alessandro and Lisagor, Oleg and Mattarei, Cristian and Mover, Sergio and Roveri, Marco and Tonetta, Stefano}, |
journal={Electronic Communications of the EASST}, |
volume={46}, |
year={2012} |
} |
@article{berthomieu1991TPN, |
title={Modeling and verification of time dependent systems using time {P}etri nets}, |
author={Berthomieu, Bernard and Diaz, Michel}, |
journal={IEEE transactions on software engineering}, |
volume={17}, |
number={3}, |
pages={259--273}, |
year={1991}, |
publisher={IEEE} |
} |
@inproceedings{Zalila, |
author = {Zalila, F. and Jenn, É. and Pantel, M. }, |
title = {Model Execution and Debugging - A Process to Leverage Existing Tools}, |
booktitle = { 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development}, |
year = {2017} |
} |
@incollection{synoptic, |
author = {A. Cortier and L. Besnard and J. P. Bodeveix and J. Buisson and F. Dagnat and M. Filali and G. Garcia and J. Ouy and M. Pantel and A.-E. Rugina and M. Strecker and J.P. Talpin}, |
title = {Synoptic: A Domain-Specific Modeling Language for Space On-board Application Software}, |
booktitle = {Synthesis of Embedded Software}, |
date = {2010} |
} |
@manual{sutre09, |
author = { Sutre , G. and Herbreteau, F. and Fleury, F.}, |
title = {Traduction de Synoptic en {AltaRica}}, |
year = {2009}, |
organization = {LaBRI} |
} |
@article{merlin1976, |
title={Recoverability of communication protocols--implications of a theoretical study}, |
author={Merlin, Philip and Farber, David}, |
journal={IEEE transactions on Communications}, |
volume={24}, |
number={9}, |
pages={1036--1043}, |
year={1976}, |
publisher={IEEE} |
} |
@article{yao, |
title={A {P}etri net model for temporal knowledge representation and reasoning}, |
author={Yao, Yulin}, |
journal={IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics}, |
volume={24}, |
number={9}, |
pages={1374--1382}, |
year={1994}, |
publisher={IEEE} |
} |
@book{ECSS‐E‐ST‐70‐11C, |
title = {Space segment operability}, |
month = {31 July }, |
year={2008}, |
number = {ECSS-E-ST-70-11C} |
} |
@book{ECSS-E-ST-60-30C, |
title = {Satellite attitude and orbit control system ({AOCS}) requirements}, |
month ={30 August }, |
year={2013}, |
number = {ECSS-E-ST-60-30C} |
} |
@book{ASRA, |
title={Avionics {S}ystem {R}eference {A}rchitecture ({ASRA})}, |
publisher={ESA contract {4 000 102 927}} |
} |