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Layer_2_MMS_SW_SPARK: use dimension system for floating-point units

Some units in are defined as floating-point types and others
as signed integer types. Start using the dimension system in GNAT on
floating-point units. Next step is to see if there is a benefit in using
floating-point types instead of signed integer types for the input and
output types, so that we can use the standard dimension system. Otherwise,
we could use a signed integer type with the Dimension_System aspect as
the root type for all these signed integer types.
Yannick Moy 8 years ago
  1. 8
  2. 14
  3. 10


@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
with System.Dim.Mks; use all type System.Dim.Mks.Mks_Type;
with MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Data;
with External;
with Types; use Types;
@ -252,7 +254,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is @@ -252,7 +254,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
and then not Emergency_Landing
and then
(if Running_State = LANDING then
not (P_Dot = 0.0 and then Q_Dot = 0.0))
not (P_Dot = Zero_Speed and then Q_Dot = Zero_Speed))
and then not In_Safety_Envelope
and then Time_Since_In_Safety_Escape > MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Data.Escape_Time
@ -263,7 +265,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is @@ -263,7 +265,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
and then not Emergency_Landing
and then
(if Running_State = LANDING then
not (P_Dot = 0.0 and then Q_Dot = 0.0))
not (P_Dot = Zero_Speed and then Q_Dot = Zero_Speed))
and then
(if Running_State = FLIGHT then not Start_Landing)
and then
@ -305,7 +307,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is @@ -305,7 +307,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
On_State = RUNNING
and then not Emergency_Landing
and then Running_State = LANDING
and then P_Dot = 0.0 and then Q_Dot = 0.0
and then P_Dot = Zero_Speed and then Q_Dot = Zero_Speed
On_State = COMPLETE,


@ -104,15 +104,15 @@ private @@ -104,15 +104,15 @@ private
Flight_Domain_Mesh : constant Flight_Domain_Mesh_Type (1 .. 100, 1 .. 100) :=
(others => (others => <>));
Qdot_MinCl : constant Speed_Type := 0.0;
Qdot_MaxCl : constant Speed_Type := 0.0;
Qdot_MinCl : constant Speed_Type := Zero_Speed;
Qdot_MaxCl : constant Speed_Type := Zero_Speed;
Q_MaxCl : constant Angle_Type := 0.0;
Qdot_MinCr : constant Speed_Type := 0.0;
Qdot_MaxCr : constant Speed_Type := 0.0;
Qdot_MinCr : constant Speed_Type := Zero_Speed;
Qdot_MaxCr : constant Speed_Type := Zero_Speed;
Q_MinCr : constant Angle_Type := 0.0;
Pdot_MaxCr : constant Speed_Type := 0.0;
Qdot_MinDs : constant Speed_Type := 0.0;
Qdot_MaxDs : constant Speed_Type := 0.0;
Pdot_MaxCr : constant Speed_Type := Zero_Speed;
Qdot_MinDs : constant Speed_Type := Zero_Speed;
Qdot_MaxDs : constant Speed_Type := Zero_Speed;
Q_MaxDs : constant Angle_Type := 0.0;
Escape_Time : constant Time_Type := 0;


@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
with System.Dim.Mks; use System.Dim; use all type System.Dim.Mks.Mks_Type;
package Types is
@ -65,11 +67,13 @@ package Types is @@ -65,11 +67,13 @@ package Types is
type Payload_Mass_Type is new Integer range 0 .. 98; -- in kg
type Distance_Type is new Float; -- type of P, unit and bounds ???
subtype Distance_Type is Mks.Length; -- type of P, unit and bounds ???
subtype Speed_Type is Mks.Speed; -- type of P_Dot and Q_Dot, in angle.s-1, bounds ???
type Speed_Type is new Float; -- type of P_Dot and Q_Dot, in angle.s-1, bounds ???
Zero_Speed : constant Speed_Type := 0.0*Mks.m*Mks.s**(-1);
type Angle_Type is new Float; -- type of Q, unit and bounds ???
subtype Angle_Type is Mks.Angle; -- type of Q, unit and bounds ???
type Rotactor_Type is range 0 .. 9;
