Fix ambiguities and typos (first step)

parent b1e1b28d
......@@ -46,7 +46,11 @@ package External with Abstract_State => (State with External => Async_Writers) i
Global => State;
function Payload_Mass return Payload_Mass_Type with
function Rotactor_1 return Rotactor_Type with
Global => State;
function Rotactor_2 return Rotactor_Type with
Global => State;
......@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ package MMS.F_EL.Output is
-- To MMS --
function Propulsion_Torque return Torque_Type with Global => Output_State;
function Braking_Torque return Torque_Type with Global => Output_State;
......@@ -38,8 +38,11 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input is
function Bay_Switch return Bay_Switch_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.Input.Bay_Switch;
function Payload_Mass return Payload_Mass_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.Input.Payload_Mass;
function Rotactor_1 return Rotactor_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.Input.Rotactor_1;
function Rotactor_2 return Rotactor_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.Input.Rotactor_2;
function USB_Key return USB_Key_Type_Option
renames MMS.F_PT.Input.USB_Key;
......@@ -14,11 +14,8 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output is
Mode => MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Mode_Switch,
Bay => MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Bay_Switch,
Start => MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Start_Push_Button,
Rotactor_1 =>
Rotactor_Type (MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Payload_Mass / 10),
Rotactor_2 =>
Rotactor_Type (MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Payload_Mass mod 10)));
-- ??? Rotactors are computed from payload mass, which one is which?
Rotactor_1 => MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Rotactor_1,
Rotactor_2 => MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Rotactor_2));
function CP_Displays return CP_Displays_Type is
......@@ -88,13 +85,12 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output is
function USB_Key return USB_Key_Type_Option
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.USB_Key;
-- To F_MM and F_FC --
function Payload_Mass return Payload_Mass_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Payload_Mass;
function Rotactor_1 return Rotactor_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Rotactor_1;
function Rotactor_2 return Rotactor_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Rotactor_2;
-- To F_FC --
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Input is
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.Q;
function Payload_Mass return Payload_Mass_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.Payload_Mass;
renames MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Output.Payload_Mass;
-- From F_MM --
......@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Output is
function Mission_Abort return Boolean with Global => Output_State; -- ??? not listed in F_FC outputs
function Estimated_Total_Mass return Estimated_Total_Mass_Type with Global => Output_State;
function Current_Range return Current_Range_Type with Global => Output_State;
function Current_Speed return Current_Speed_Type with Global => Output_State;
......@@ -121,7 +121,8 @@ package body MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
Input_On_OFF_Push_Button := On_OFF_Push_Button;
Input_Start_Push_Button := Start_Push_Button;
Input_Mission_Abort := Mission_Abort;
Input_Estimated_Total_Mass := Estimated_Total_Mass;
Input_Rotactor_1 := Rotactor_1;
Input_Rotactor_2 := Rotactor_2;
Input_Current_Range := Current_Range;
Input_Current_Speed := Current_Speed;
Input_Current_Altitude := Current_Altitude;
......@@ -140,11 +141,33 @@ package body MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
(Power_State = ON
and then On_State = INIT
and then Init_State = CANCELLED);
Is_Mission_Ready : constant Boolean :=
(Power_State = On
and then On_State = INIT
and then Init_State = READY);
Is_Start_Take_Off : constant Boolean :=
(Power_State = On
and then On_State = RUNNING
and then Running_State = TAKE_OFF);
Is_Start_Landing : constant Boolean :=
(Power_State = On
and then On_State = RUNNING
and then Running_State = Landing);
Payload_Mass : constant Payload_Mass_Type :=
(Input_Rotactor_1 * 10 + Input_Rotactor_2);
State.Output_Emergency_Landing := Is_Mission_Aborted;
State.Output_Mission_Aborted := Is_Mission_Aborted;
State.Output_Mission_Cancelled := Is_Mission_Cancelled;
State.Output_Mission_Ready := Is_Mission_Ready;
State.Output_Start_Take_Off := Is_Start_Take_Off;
State.Output_Start_Landing := Is_Start_Landing;
State.Output_Operating_Point := Operating_Point;
State.Output_Operating_Mode := Operating_Mode;
State.Output_Mission_Range := Mission_Range;
State.Output_Payload_Mass := Payload_Mass;
end Write_Outputs;
......@@ -410,6 +410,24 @@ private
Global => (Input => (Private_State,
-- First hypothesis: nearest neighbours have the smallest distance with
-- Mission_profile
-- Post => Nearest_Neighbours'Result'Length = 2 * Nb_Of_Dimensions
-- for all Neighboor_Center of Nearest_Neighbours'Result =>
-- for all Center of Appropriate_Tabulating_Function =>
-- if Center not in Nearest_Neighboors'Result then
-- Distance_With_Neighbour (Neighboor_Center) < Distance_With_Neighbour (Center)
-- end if;
-- Second hypothesis: nearest neighbours has the smallest distance in only
-- one dimension with the Mission_Profile
-- Post => Nearest_Neighbours'Result'Length = 2 * Nb_Of_Dimensions
-- for all Neighboor_Center of Nearest_Neighbours'Result =>
-- Appropriate_Tabulating_Function (D, A, S).Distance <= Appropriate_Tabulating_Function (D - 1, A, S).Distance
-- and Appropriate_Tabulating_Function (D, A, S).Distance <= Appropriate_Tabulating_Function (D + 1, A, S).Distance
function Extract_Energy_Level_For_Neighbours
(Neighbours : Neighbour_Mission_Profiles) return Energy_Levels
......@@ -750,6 +768,7 @@ private
Power_State = ON
and then On_State = COMPLETE,
-- ??? Should we verify that the distance
Power_State = ON
and then On_State = RUNNING
......@@ -34,13 +34,16 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Input is
function Bay_Switch return Bay_Switch_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.Bay_Switch;
function Payload_Mass return Payload_Mass_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.Payload_Mass;
function USB_Key return USB_Key_Type_Option
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.USB_Key;
function Rotactor_1 return Rotactor_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.Rotactor_1;
function Rotactor_2 return Rotactor_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.Rotactor_2;
-- From F_FC or F_EL --
......@@ -51,10 +54,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Input is
-- From F_FC --
function Estimated_Total_Mass return Estimated_Total_Mass_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Output.Estimated_Total_Mass;
function Current_Range return Current_Range_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Output.Current_Range;
......@@ -9,14 +9,15 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Output is
function Mission_Cancelled return Boolean with Global => Output_State;
function Mission_Complete return Boolean with Global => Output_State;
-- ??? To F_FC too?
function Mission_Aborted return Boolean with Global => Output_State;
function Ready_For_Takeoff return Boolean with Global => Output_State;
-- To F_EL and F_CM --
-- To F_EL, F_CM and F_FC --
function Emergency_Landing return Boolean with Global => Output_State;
......@@ -35,4 +36,6 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Output is
function Mission_Range return Current_Range_Type with Global => Output_State;
-- ??? which distance type
function Payload_Mass return Payload_Mass_Type with Global => Output_State;
end MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Output;
......@@ -31,8 +31,9 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.State is
Input_Mission_Abort : Boolean with Part_Of => Input_State;
Input_Estimated_Total_Mass : Estimated_Total_Mass_Type with
Part_Of => Input_State;
Input_Rotactor_1 : Rotactor_Type with Part_Of => Input_State;
Input_Rotactor_2 : Rotactor_Type with Part_Of => Input_State;
Input_Current_Range : Current_Range_Type with Part_Of => Input_State;
......@@ -112,6 +113,8 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.State is
Output_Mission_Aborted : Boolean with Part_Of => Output_State;
Output_Mission_Ready : Boolean with Part_Of => Output_State;
Output_Emergency_Landing : Boolean with Part_Of => Output_State;
Output_Start_Take_Off : Boolean with Part_Of => Output_State;
......@@ -124,4 +127,6 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.State is
Output_Mission_Range : Current_Range_Type with Part_Of => Output_State;
Output_Payload_Mass : Payload_Mass_Type with Part_Of => Output_State;
end MMS.F_PT.F_MM.State;
......@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ SPARK_Mode,
......@@ -23,12 +24,14 @@ SPARK_Mode,
Private_State =>
......@@ -35,9 +35,12 @@ package MMS.F_PT.Input is
function Bay_Switch return Bay_Switch_Type
renames MMS.Input.Bay_Switch;
function Payload_Mass return Payload_Mass_Type
renames MMS.Input.Payload_Mass;
function Rotactor_1 return Rotactor_Type
renames MMS.Input.Rotactor_1;
function Rotactor_2 return Rotactor_Type
renames MMS.Input.Rotactor_2;
function USB_Key return USB_Key_Type_Option
renames MMS.Input.USB_Key;
......@@ -36,8 +36,11 @@ package MMS.Input is
function Bay_Switch return Bay_Switch_Type
renames External.Bay_Switch;
function Payload_Mass return Payload_Mass_Type
renames External.Payload_Mass;
function Rotactor_1 return Rotactor_Type
renames External.Rotactor_1;
function Rotactor_2 return Rotactor_Type
renames External.Rotactor_2;
function USB_Key return USB_Key_Type_Option
renames External.USB_Key;
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