3 changed files with 385 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package body MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Behavior.Guarantees with SPARK_Mode is |
procedure Run is |
begin |
MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Behavior.Run; |
end Run; |
end MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Behavior.Guarantees; |
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
-- This package provides a wrapper above MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Behavior.Run which |
-- is used to verify in SPARK that high level guarantees on F_MM are implied |
-- by its behavioural specification. |
package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Behavior.Guarantees with SPARK_Mode is |
pragma Unevaluated_Use_Of_Old (Allow); |
----------------------------------- |
-- High-Level Properties on F_MM -- |
----------------------------------- |
function In_Take_Off_State return Boolean is |
(Power_State = On |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Running_State = TAKE_OFF); |
function Energy_Check_Succeed return Boolean is |
(Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = INIT |
and then Energy_Compatible_With_Mission); |
function Energy_Check_Fail return Boolean is |
(Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Running_State = CRUISE |
and then not Energy_Compatible_With_Mission); |
function Mission_Cancelled return Boolean is |
(Power_State = On |
and then On_State = CANCELLED); |
----------------------------------- |
-- High-Level Garantees for F_MM -- |
----------------------------------- |
procedure Run with |
Post => |
-- 6.6.3.A Viability guarantee: no take-off if energy aboard is |
-- incompatible with mission completion. |
(if In_Take_Off_State and then not In_Take_Off_State'Old then |
Energy_Check_Succeed'Old) |
-- 6.6.3.B Any mission cancellation is signaled to CP and GS. |
and then |
(if Mission_Cancelled and then not Mission_Cancelled'Old then |
Mission_Cancellation_Signaled) |
-- Missions cancelled for energy reasons can be proven |
-- infeasible. |
and then |
(if Mission_Cancelled and then not Mission_Cancelled'Old then |
Energy_Check_Fail'Old); |
end MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Behavior.Guarantees; |
@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
-- This package provides the behavioural specification of F_MM. It is |
-- expressed as a contract on a Run procedure which reprents the modifications |
-- performed on the state State of F_MM at each cycle of the functionality. |
-- We write the contract using a Contract_Cases and we use SPARK to ensure |
-- that: |
-- - Information about the current State of the module are only accessed |
-- when it makes sense (represented as preconditions over accessors). |
-- - A single behaviour is specified for each case in the specification. |
-- - There is a behaviour is specified for every case in the specification. |
package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Behavior with |
SPARK_Mode, |
Abstract_State => State |
is |
pragma Unevaluated_Use_Of_Old (Allow); |
----------------------------------------- |
-- States of the automaton in Figure 3 -- |
----------------------------------------- |
type Power_State_Type is (ON, OFF); |
function Power_State return Power_State_Type with |
Global => State; |
function On_State return On_State_Type with |
Global => State, |
Pre => Power_State = ON; |
type Running_State_Type is (TAKE_OFF, CLIMB, CRUISE, DESCENT, LANDING); |
function Running_State return Running_State_Type with |
Global => State, |
Pre => Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING; |
function Navigation_Mode return Navigation_Mode_Type with |
Global => State, |
Pre => Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING; |
function Operating_Mode return Navigation_Option_Type with |
Global => State, |
Pre => Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Navigation_Mode = RP; |
----------------------------------------- |
-- Guards of the automaton in Figure 3 -- |
----------------------------------------- |
function Boarding_Completed return Boolean with |
Global => State, |
Pre => Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = INIT, |
Post => |
(if Boarding_Completed'Result then |
Payload_Bay_Closed |
and then Mission_Parameters_Defined |
and then Energy_Compatible_With_Mission); |
function Power_On return Boolean with |
Global => State; |
function Power_Off return Boolean with |
Global => State, |
Post => Power_Off'Result = not Power_On; |
function Mission_Abort_Received return Boolean with |
Global => State, |
Pre => Power_State = ON; |
function Start_Or_Go_Received return Boolean with |
Global => State, |
Pre => Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = INIT; |
function Take_Off_Over return Boolean with |
Global => State, |
Pre => Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Running_State = TAKE_OFF; |
function Descent_Over return Boolean with |
Global => State, |
Pre => Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Running_State = DESCENT; |
function Landed return Boolean with |
Global => State, |
Pre => Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Running_State = LANDING; |
function Operating_Mode_Changed return Boolean with |
Global => State, |
Pre => Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then (Running_State in CLIMB | CRUISE | DESCENT) |
and then Navigation_Mode = RP; |
function Cruise_Altitude_Reached return Boolean with |
Global => State, |
Pre => Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then (Running_State in CLIMB | DESCENT); |
---------------- |
-- Properties -- |
---------------- |
function Energy_Compatible_With_Mission return Boolean with |
Global => State, |
Pre => Power_State = ON |
and then On_State in INIT | RUNNING |
and then (if On_State = RUNNING then Running_State = CRUISE); |
function Mission_Parameters_Defined return Boolean with |
Global => State, |
Pre => Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = INIT; |
function Payload_Bay_Closed return Boolean with |
Global => State, |
Pre => Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = INIT; |
function Emergency_Landing return Boolean with |
Global => State, |
Pre => Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = CANCELLED; |
function Mission_Cancellation_Signaled return Boolean with |
Global => State; |
--------------------------------------- |
-- Behavioural Specification of F_MM -- |
--------------------------------------- |
procedure Run with |
Global => (In_Out => State), |
Contract_Cases => |
(Power_State = OFF |
and then Power_Off |
=> |
Power_State = OFF, |
Power_State = OFF |
and then Power_On |
=> |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = INIT, |
Power_State = ON |
and then Power_Off |
=> |
Power_State = OFF, |
Power_State = ON |
and then Power_On |
and then (On_State in INIT | RUNNING) |
and then Mission_Abort_Received |
=> |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = ABORTED, |
Power_State = ON |
and then Power_On |
and then On_State = INIT |
and then not Mission_Abort_Received |
and then not Boarding_Completed |
=> |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = INIT, |
Power_State = ON |
and then Power_On |
and then On_State = INIT |
and then not Mission_Abort_Received |
and then Boarding_Completed |
and then not Start_Or_Go_Received |
=> |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = INIT, |
Power_State = ON |
and then Power_On |
and then On_State = INIT |
and then not Mission_Abort_Received |
and then Boarding_Completed |
and then Start_Or_Go_Received |
=> |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Running_State = TAKE_OFF, |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Running_State = TAKE_OFF |
and then Power_On |
and then not Mission_Abort_Received |
and then Take_Off_Over |
=> |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Running_State = CLIMB, |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Running_State = TAKE_OFF |
and then Power_On |
and then not Mission_Abort_Received |
and then not Take_Off_Over |
=> |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Running_State = TAKE_OFF, |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Running_State = CRUISE |
and then Power_On |
and then not Mission_Abort_Received |
and then not Energy_Compatible_With_Mission |
=> |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = CANCELLED |
and then Mission_Cancellation_Signaled |
and then Emergency_Landing, |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Running_State = DESCENT |
and then Power_On |
and then not Mission_Abort_Received |
and then Descent_Over |
=> |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Running_State = LANDING, |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then (Running_State in CLIMB | CRUISE | DESCENT) |
and then Power_On |
and then not Mission_Abort_Received |
and then Navigation_Mode = RP |
and then |
(if Running_State = CRUISE then Energy_Compatible_With_Mission) |
and then |
(if Running_State = DESCENT then not Descent_Over) |
and then Operating_Mode_Changed |
=> |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then (Running_State in CLIMB | DESCENT), |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then (Running_State in CLIMB | DESCENT) |
and then Power_On |
and then not Mission_Abort_Received |
and then (if Navigation_Mode = RP then not Operating_Mode_Changed) |
and then (if Running_State = DESCENT then not Descent_Over) |
and then Cruise_Altitude_Reached |
=> |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Running_State = CRUISE, |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then (Running_State in CLIMB | DESCENT | CRUISE) |
and then Power_On |
and then not Mission_Abort_Received |
and then |
(if Running_State = CRUISE then Energy_Compatible_With_Mission) |
and then (if Navigation_Mode = RP then not Operating_Mode_Changed) |
and then |
(if Running_State in CLIMB | DESCENT then |
not Cruise_Altitude_Reached) |
and then (if Running_State = DESCENT then not Descent_Over) |
=> |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Running_State = Running_State'Old, |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Running_State = LANDING |
and then Power_On |
and then not Mission_Abort_Received |
and then Landed |
=> |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = COMPLETE, |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Running_State = LANDING |
and then Power_On |
and then not Mission_Abort_Received |
and then not Landed |
=> |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = RUNNING |
and then Running_State = LANDING, |
Power_State = ON |
and then Power_On |
and then (On_State in CANCELLED .. ABORTED) |
=> |
Power_State = ON |
and then On_State = On_State'Old); |
end MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Behavior; |
Reference in new issue