Identifty the constants used by MMS.F_PT.F_FC

parent 6035ffd1
package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior is
-- ??? Types need to be precisely defined.
-- Tables --
-- From
type F_FC_Table_Type is array (Positive range <>) of Integer;
Climb_Gains : F_FC_Table_Type (1 .. 1);
Cruise_Gains : F_FC_Table_Type (1 .. 1);
Descent_Gains : F_FC_Table_Type (1 .. 1);
-- Constants --
-- From
Qdot_MinCl : Integer; -- in angle.s-1
Qdot_MaxCl : Integer; -- in angle.s-1
Q_MaxCl : Integer; -- in angle.s-1
Qdot_MinCr : Integer; -- in angle.s-1
Q_MinCr : Integer; -- in angle.s-1
Pdot_MaxCr : Integer; -- in angle.s-1
Qdot_MinDs : Integer; -- in angle.s-1
Qdot_MaxDs : Integer; -- in angle.s-1
Q_MaxDs : Integer; -- in angle.s-1
Escape_Time : Integer; -- in s
-- From 6.7.4
Commutation_Duration : Integer; -- in s
Hazard_Duration : Integer; -- in s
Recovery_Speed : Integer; -- in m.s
J0 : Integer; -- in kg.m2
L : Integer; -- in m
M0 : Integer; -- in kg
end MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior;
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