Commit bbcca90a authored by Claire Dross's avatar Claire Dross

Layer2_MMS_SW_SPARK add external volatile state for captors

parent 2d57e931
with Types; use Types;
package External with Abstract_State =>
((From_GS with External => Async_Writers),
(From_CP with External => Async_Writers),
(From_P_P with External => Async_Writers)) is
-- Ground-based Mission Preparation and Supervision --
function Navigation_Parameters return Navigation_Parameters_Type with
Global => From_GS;
function Navigation_Mode return Navigation_Mode_Type with
Global => From_GS;
function Navigation_Option return Navigation_Option_Type with
Global => From_GS;
function Go return Boolean with
Global => From_GS;
function Emergency_Landing return Boolean with
Global => From_GS;
-- AV-based Mission Preparation (Control Panel) --
function On_OFF_Push_Button return Boolean with
Global => From_CP;
function Start_Push_Button return Boolean with
Global => From_CP;
function Mode_Switch return Navigation_Mode_Type with
Global => From_CP;
function Bay_Switch return Bay_Switch_Type with
Global => From_CP;
function Payload_Mass return Payload_Mass_Type with
Global => From_CP;
function USB_Key return Navigation_Parameters_Type with
Global => From_CP;
-- Physical Parameters --
function P return Distance_Type with
Global => From_P_P;
function P_Dot return Speed_Type with
Global => From_P_P;
function Q return Angle_Type with
Global => From_P_P;
end External;
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_EL.Data is
with MMS.Input;
with MMS.F_PT.Output;
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_EL.Input is
......@@ -13,7 +15,7 @@ package MMS.F_EL.Input is
function P_Dot return Speed_Type
renames MMS.Input.P_Dot;
function Q return Altitude_Type
function Q return Angle_Type
renames MMS.Input.Q;
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_EL.Output is
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_EL is
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ with MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Output;
with MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Output;
with MMS.F_PT.F_EM.Output;
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input is
......@@ -42,12 +44,6 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input is
function USB_Key return Navigation_Parameters_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.Input.USB_Key;
function Rotactor_1 return Rotactor_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.Input.Rotactor_1;
function Rotactor_2 return Rotactor_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.Input.Rotactor_2;
function P return Distance_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.Input.P;
with MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input;
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output is
......@@ -12,8 +14,11 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output is
Mode => MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Mode_Switch,
Bay => MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Bay_Switch,
Start => MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Start_Push_Button,
Rotactor_1 => MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Rotactor_1,
Rotactor_2 => MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Rotactor_2));
Rotactor_1 =>
Rotactor_Type (MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Payload_Mass / 10),
Rotactor_2 =>
Rotactor_Type (MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Payload_Mass mod 10)));
-- ??? Rotactors are computed from payload mass, which one is which?
function CP_Displays return CP_Displays_Type is
......@@ -84,11 +89,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output is
function USB_Key return Navigation_Parameters_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.USB_Key;
-- To F_MM and F_FC --
function Payload_Mass return Payload_Mass_Type
function Payload_Mass_To_F_MM return Payload_Mass_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Payload_Mass;
......@@ -101,4 +102,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output is
function Q return Angle_Type renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Q;
function Payload_Mass_To_F_FC return Payload_Mass_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Payload_Mass;
end MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output;
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.F_CM is
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.F_EM.Data is
with MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Output;
with MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output;
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.F_EM.Input is
......@@ -17,7 +19,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_EM.Input is
-- From F_CM --
function P_Dot return Current_Speed_Type
function P_Dot return Speed_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.P_Dot;
end MMS.F_PT.F_EM.Input;
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.F_EM.Output is
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.F_EM is
with MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Data;
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior is
with MMS.F_PT.Data;
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Data is
-- ??? Types need to be precisely defined.
with MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output;
with MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Output;
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Input is
......@@ -17,7 +19,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Input is
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.Q;
function Payload_Mass return Payload_Mass_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.Payload_Mass;
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.Payload_Mass_To_F_FC;
-- From F_MM --
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Output is
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.F_FC is
type Flight_Cell_Center_Type is record
with Types; use Types;
package body MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Behavior.Guarantees with SPARK_Mode is
procedure Run is
......@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
-- is used to verify in SPARK that high level guarantees on F_MM are implied
-- by its behavioural specification.
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Behavior.Guarantees with SPARK_Mode is
pragma Unevaluated_Use_Of_Old (Allow);
......@@ -8,12 +8,38 @@
-- - A single behaviour is specified for each case in the specification.
-- - There is a behaviour is specified for every case in the specification.
with Types; use Types;
with External;
with MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Output;
package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Behavior with
Abstract_State => State
pragma Unevaluated_Use_Of_Old (Allow);
-- Inputs --
function Navigation_Mode_From_CP return Navigation_Mode_Type with
Global => State;
function Navigation_Mode_From_GS return Navigation_Mode_Type with
Global => State;
function Operating_Point_From_GS_Received return Boolean with
Global => State;
function Operating_Point_From_GS return Operating_Point_Type with
Global => State;
function USB_Key_Present return Boolean with
Global => State;
function Operating_Point_From_USB_Key return Operating_Point_Type with
Global => State;
-- States of the automaton in Figure 3 --
......@@ -36,7 +62,10 @@ is
Pre => Power_State = ON
and then On_State = RUNNING;
function Navigation_Mode return Navigation_Mode_Type with
function Navigation_Mode return Navigation_Mode_Type
is (if Navigation_Mode_From_CP = A then A
else Navigation_Mode_From_GS)
Global => State,
Pre => Power_State = ON
and then On_State in INIT | RUNNING;
......@@ -95,7 +124,7 @@ is
and then On_State = RUNNING
and then Running_State = LANDING;
function Operating_Mode_Changed return Boolean with
function Operating_Point_Changed return Boolean with
Global => State,
Pre => Power_State = ON
and then On_State = RUNNING
......@@ -118,7 +147,11 @@ is
and then On_State in INIT | RUNNING
and then (if On_State = RUNNING then Running_State = CRUISE);
function Mission_Parameters_Defined return Boolean with
function Mission_Parameters_Defined return Boolean is
or else (Navigation_Mode_From_CP = RP
and then Operating_Point_From_GS_Received))
Global => State,
Pre => Power_State = ON
and then On_State = INIT;
......@@ -133,6 +166,10 @@ is
Pre => Power_State = ON
and then On_State = CANCELLED;
-- Outputs --
function Mission_Cancellation_Signaled return Boolean with
Global => State;
......@@ -146,6 +183,14 @@ is
-- Behavioural Specification of F_MM --
procedure Read_Inputs with
Global => (In_Out => State,
Input => (External.From_GS, External.From_CP));
procedure Write_Outputs with
Global => (Input => State,
Output => (Output.To_F_CM, Output.To_F_FC, Output.To_F_EL));
procedure Run with
Global => (In_Out => State),
Post =>
......@@ -162,7 +207,16 @@ is
and then
(if Navigation_Mode'Old = A
then Operating_Point = Operating_Point'Old)
-- Freeze the operating mode once landing is activated.
and then
(if Power_State'Old = ON
and then On_State'Old = RUNNING
and then Running_State = LANDING
then Operating_Point = Operating_Point'Old),
Contract_Cases =>
(Power_State = OFF
and then Power_Off
......@@ -273,7 +327,7 @@ is
(if Running_State = CRUISE then Energy_Compatible_With_Mission)
and then
(if Running_State = DESCENT then not Descent_Over)
and then Operating_Mode_Changed
and then Operating_Point_Changed
Power_State = ON
and then On_State = RUNNING
......@@ -284,7 +338,7 @@ is
and then (Running_State in CLIMB | DESCENT)
and then Power_On
and then not Mission_Abort_Received
and then (if Navigation_Mode = RP then not Operating_Mode_Changed)
and then (if Navigation_Mode = RP then not Operating_Point_Changed)
and then (if Running_State = DESCENT then not Descent_Over)
and then Cruise_Altitude_Reached
......@@ -299,7 +353,7 @@ is
and then not Mission_Abort_Received
and then
(if Running_State = CRUISE then Energy_Compatible_With_Mission)
and then (if Navigation_Mode = RP then not Operating_Mode_Changed)
and then (if Navigation_Mode = RP then not Operating_Point_Changed)
and then
(if Running_State in CLIMB | DESCENT then
not Cruise_Altitude_Reached)
......@@ -337,4 +391,37 @@ is
Power_State = ON
and then On_State = On_State'Old);
procedure Mission_Setup_Management with
Global => (In_Out => State),
Post => (if Payload_Bay_Closed
and then Mission_Parameters_Defined
and then Energy_Compatible_With_Mission
then Boarding_Completed);
procedure Operating_Point_Update_Management with
Global => (In_Out => State),
Contract_Cases =>
(Navigation_Mode_From_CP = A
or else not Operating_Point_From_GS_Received
Operating_Point = Operating_Point_From_USB_Key,
Navigation_Mode_From_CP = RP
and then Operating_Point_From_GS_Received
and then Power_State = ON
and then On_State = RUNNING
and then Running_State = LANDING
Operating_Point = Operating_Point'Old,
Navigation_Mode_From_CP = RP
and then Operating_Point_From_GS_Received
and then not (Power_State = ON
and then On_State = RUNNING
and then Running_State = LANDING)
Operating_Point = Operating_Point_From_GS);
end MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Behavior;
with MMS.F_PT.Data;
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Data is
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ with MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Output;
with MMS.F_PT.F_EM.Output;
with MMS.F_PT.Input;
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Input is
......@@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Input is
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.Bay_Switch;
function Payload_Mass return Payload_Mass_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.Payload_Mass;
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.Payload_Mass_To_F_MM;
function USB_Key return Navigation_Parameters_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.USB_Key;
package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Output is
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Output with
Abstract_State => (To_F_CM, To_F_EL, To_F_FC)
-- To F_CM --
function Mission_Cancelled return Boolean;
function Mission_Cancelled return Boolean with Global => To_F_CM;
function Mission_Complete return Boolean;
function Mission_Complete return Boolean with Global => To_F_CM;
function Mission_Aborted return Boolean;
function Mission_Aborted return Boolean with Global => To_F_CM;
-- To F_EL --
function Emergency_Landing return Boolean;
function Emergency_Landing return Boolean with Global => To_F_EL;
-- To F_FC --
function Start_Take_Off return Boolean;
function Start_Take_Off return Boolean with Global => To_F_FC;
function Start_Landing return Boolean;
function Start_Landing return Boolean with Global => To_F_FC;
function Operating_Point return Operating_Point_Type;
function Operating_Point return Operating_Point_Type with Global => To_F_FC;
function Operating_Mode return Navigation_Option_Type;
function Operating_Mode return Navigation_Option_Type with Global => To_F_FC;
function Mission_Range return Current_Range_Type; -- ??? which distance type
function Mission_Range return Current_Range_Type with Global => To_F_FC;
-- ??? which distance type
end MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Output;
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.F_MM is
type Viability_Cell_Center_Type is record
with MMS.Input;
with MMS.F_EL.Output;
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.Input is
......@@ -40,12 +42,6 @@ package MMS.F_PT.Input is
function USB_Key return Navigation_Parameters_Type
renames MMS.Input.USB_Key;
function Rotactor_1 return Rotactor_Type
renames MMS.Input.Rotactor_1;
function Rotactor_2 return Rotactor_Type
renames MMS.Input.Rotactor_2;
function P return Distance_Type
renames MMS.Input.P;
with MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output;
with MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Output;
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT.Output is
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.F_PT is
type Current_Range_Type is range 1 .. 1_000_000; -- in meters
with Types; use Types;
with External;
package MMS.Input is
-- Ground-based Mission Preparation and Supervision --
function Navigation_Parameters return Navigation_Parameters_Type;
function Navigation_Parameters return Navigation_Parameters_Type
renames External.Navigation_Parameters;
function Navigation_Mode return Navigation_Mode_Type;
function Navigation_Mode return Navigation_Mode_Type
renames External.Navigation_Mode;
function Navigation_Option return Navigation_Option_Type;
function Navigation_Option return Navigation_Option_Type
renames External.Navigation_Option;
function Go return Boolean;
function Go return Boolean renames External.Go;
function Emergency_Landing return Boolean;
function Emergency_Landing return Boolean renames External.Emergency_Landing;
-- AV-based Mission Preparation (Control Panel) --
function On_OFF_Push_Button return Boolean;
function Start_Push_Button return Boolean;
function Mode_Switch return Navigation_Mode_Type;
function On_OFF_Push_Button return Boolean
renames External.On_OFF_Push_Button;
function Bay_Switch return Bay_Switch_Type;
function Start_Push_Button return Boolean
renames External.Start_Push_Button;
function Payload_Mass return Payload_Mass_Type;
function Mode_Switch return Navigation_Mode_Type
renames External.Mode_Switch;
function USB_Key return Navigation_Parameters_Type;
function Bay_Switch return Bay_Switch_Type
renames External.Bay_Switch;
function Rotactor_1 return Rotactor_Type;
function Payload_Mass return Payload_Mass_Type
renames External.Payload_Mass;
function Rotactor_2 return Rotactor_Type;
function USB_Key return Navigation_Parameters_Type
renames External.USB_Key;
-- Physical Parameters --
function P return Distance_Type;
function P return Distance_Type renames External.P;
function P_Dot return Speed_Type;
function P_Dot return Speed_Type renames External.P_Dot;
function Q return Angle_Type;
function Q return Angle_Type renames External.Q;
end MMS.Input;
with MMS.F_PT.Output;
with Types; use Types;
package MMS.Output is
......@@ -16,65 +16,4 @@
-- with a header specifying to which component(s) they are linked.
package MMS is
-- Types for inputs and outputs --
type Distance_Input_Type is range 1 .. 100; -- in n.m
type Speed_Input_Type is range 1 .. 250; -- in k.t
type Altitude_Input_Type is range -500 .. 3000; -- in ft
type Navigation_Parameters_Type is record
Distance : Distance_Input_Type;
Speed : Speed_Input_Type;
Altitude : Altitude_Input_Type;
end record;
type Navigation_Mode_Type is (RP, A);
type Navigation_Option_Type is (SPEED, ALTITUDE, ENERGY);
type Bay_Switch_Type is (OPEN, CLOSED);
type Payload_Mass_Type is new Integer range 0 .. 98; -- in kg
type Distance_Type is new Float; -- type of P, unit and bounds ???
type Speed_Type is new Float; -- type of P_Dot, unit and bounds ???
type Angle_Type is new Float; -- type of Q, unit and bounds ???
type Angular_Speed_Type is new Float; -- type of Q_Dot, unit and bounds ???
type Rotactor_Type is range 0 .. 9;
type CP_Switches_Type is record
Power : Boolean;
Mode : Navigation_Mode_Type;
Bay : Bay_Switch_Type;
Start : Boolean;
Rotactor_1 : Rotactor_Type;
Rotactor_2 : Rotactor_Type;
end record;
type Source_Type is range 1 .. 100;
type CP_Displays_Type is record
Ready : Boolean;
Cancelled : Boolean;
Complete : Boolean;
Aborted : Boolean; -- ???
Primary_Source : Source_Type;
Secondary_Source : Source_Type;
end record;
type Propulsion_Energy_Type is record
Primary_Source_Capacity : Source_Type;
Secondary_Source_Capacity : Source_Type;
end record;
type Torque_Type is delta 0.0001 range -10.0E6 .. 10.0E6; -- ???
end MMS;
package Types is
-- Types for inputs and outputs --
type Distance_Input_Type is range 1 .. 100; -- in n.m
type Speed_Input_Type is range 1 .. 250; -- in k.t
type Altitude_Input_Type is range -500 .. 3000; -- in ft
type Navigation_Parameters_Type is record
Distance : Distance_Input_Type;
Speed : Speed_Input_Type;
Altitude : Altitude_Input_Type;
end record;
type Navigation_Mode_Type is (RP, A);
type Navigation_Option_Type is (SPEED, ALTITUDE, ENERGY);
type Bay_Switch_Type is (OPEN, CLOSED);
type Payload_Mass_Type is new Integer range 0 .. 98; -- in kg
type Distance_Type is new Float; -- type of P, unit and bounds ???
type Speed_Type is new Float; -- type of P_Dot, unit and bounds ???
type Angle_Type is new Float; -- type of Q, unit and bounds ???
type Angular_Speed_Type is new Float; -- type of Q_Dot, unit and bounds ???
type Rotactor_Type is range 0 .. 9;
type CP_Switches_Type is record
Power : Boolean;
Mode : Navigation_Mode_Type;
Bay : Bay_Switch_Type;
Start : Boolean;
Rotactor_1 : Rotactor_Type;
Rotactor_2 : Rotactor_Type;
end record;
type Source_Type is range 1 .. 100;
type CP_Displays_Type is record
Ready : Boolean;
Cancelled : Boolean;
Complete : Boolean;
Aborted : Boolean; -- ???
Primary_Source : Source_Type;
Secondary_Source : Source_Type;
end record;
type Propulsion_Energy_Type is record
Primary_Source_Capacity : Source_Type;
Secondary_Source_Capacity : Source_Type;
end record;
type Torque_Type is delta 0.0001 range -10.0E6 .. 10.0E6; -- ???
end Types;
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