module irt-types { yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:fr:irt:eden:yang:irt-types; prefix irtty; organization "IRT Saint Exupéry - Toulouse"; contact "IRT Saint Exupéry - Toulouse EDEN project team "; description "This module is containing a whole set of artifacts in order to describe the traffic."; revision 2023-04-28 { description "Initial revision."; } typedef tDataByte { type uint32 ; units "byte"; } typedef tDuration { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 9; } description "A duration in seconds"; units "s"; } typedef tDurationMilli { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 6; } description "A duration in milli seconds"; units "ms"; } typedef tDurationMicro { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 3; } description "A duration in micro seconds"; units "µs"; } typedef tDurationNano { type uint64 ; description "A duration in nano seconds"; units "ns"; } typedef tThroughput { type uint64 ; description "The throughput in bits per second"; units "bit/s"; } typedef tThroughputMbps { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 6; } description "Throughput in Mega Bits per second"; units "Mb/s"; } typedef tPriority { description "The TSN priority"; type uint8 { range "0..7"; } } typedef tCBSSlope { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 6; } } typedef tOffsetType { type enumeration { enum "Not Defined"; enum Computed ; enum Manual ; } } typedef tData { type uint32 ; description "The type for a data in bits"; units "bit"; } typedef tNodeType { type enumeration { enum bridge; enum end-station; } } typedef tManufacturerRefence { type enumeration { enum SW_fraunhofer; enum SW_nxp_sja1110_EVM; enum SW_microchip_evb_LAN9668; enum ES_linuxGeneric; enum ES_linuxUbuntu; enum ES_linuxRPI_4; enum ES_linuxRPI_CM4; enum ES_linuxRPI_1Bplus; enum ES_Meinberg_microsync; enum ES_custom; enum SW_custom; } } typedef tIfChipset { type enumeration { enum IFCHIP_i210; enum IFCHIP_i225; enum IFCHIP_i350; enum IFCHIP_generic; } description "Network interface chipsets"; } typedef tMemoryManagementPolicy { type enumeration { enum Shared_Memory ; enum Dedicated_Memory ; } } typedef tStoragePolicy { type enumeration { enum Store_And_Forward ; enum Cut_Through ; } } }