module irt-eden-usecases { yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:fr:irt:eden:yang:irt-eden-usecases; prefix irtuc; import ietf-network { prefix nw; } import irt-types { prefix irtty; } organization "IRT Saint Exupéry - Toulouse"; contact "IRT Saint Exupéry - Toulouse EDEN project team "; description "TSN network use cases definition for IRT EDEN project"; revision 2023-04-28 { description "Initial revision."; } container usecases { description "Set of use cases"; list usecase { description "A use case is composed of a network (topology, data flows, TSN configuration of the equipments), a duration (the duration of the test), etc..."; key "usecase-id"; leaf usecase-id { type string { length "1..max"; } description "Identifies a usecase."; } leaf network-ref { type leafref { path "/nw:networks/nw:network/nw:network-id"; } } leaf duration { type irtty:tDuration; description "Duration of the use case execution."; } } } }