module irt-topology { yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:fr:irt:eden:yang:irt-topology; prefix irtto; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; revision-date "2013-07-15"; } import ietf-network { prefix nw; revision-date "2018-02-26"; } import ietf-network-topology { prefix nt; revision-date "2018-02-26"; } import irt-types { prefix irtty ; } organization "IRT Saint Exupéry - Toulouse"; contact "IRT Saint Exupéry - Toulouse EDEN project team "; description "This module is containing augments to complete the standard IETF topology."; augment "/nw:networks/nw:network" { description "Improvement of the network implementation"; leaf project-mode { description "Project mode like Automotive, Aeronautic or Spatial"; type string; } } augment "/nw:networks/nw:network/nw:node" { description "Improvement of the node implementation"; leaf transmission-capacity { description "Data rate processing capacity for transmission"; type irtty:tThroughputMbps ; } leaf manufacturer-reference { description "Manufaturer reference of the equipment"; type irtty:tManufacturerRefence; } leaf node-type { type irtty:tNodeType; } leaf bench-node-id { type string; description "Uniquely identifies a node within the IRT hardware test bench network."; } leaf management-host { type inet:host; description "IP address (as host name or in dotted notation) of the management interface of the node."; } } augment "/nw:networks/nw:network/nw:node" { description "Improvement of the node implementation with behavioral properties"; leaf supports-preemption { type boolean; } leaf supports-TAS { type boolean; } leaf supports-QCF { type boolean; } leaf supports-ATS { type boolean; } leaf supports-CBS { type boolean; } leaf supports-FRER { type boolean; } } augment "/nw:networks/nw:network/nw:node" { description "Improvement of the node implementation with switches properties"; leaf memory { type irtty:tDataByte; } leaf memory-management-policy { type irtty:tMemoryManagementPolicy; } leaf storage-policy { type irtty:tStoragePolicy; } leaf tech-latency-min { type irtty:tDurationMicro; } leaf tech-latency-max { type irtty:tDurationMicro; } } augment "/nw:networks/nw:network/nt:link" { description "Improvement of the link implementation"; leaf transmission-capacity { type irtty:tThroughputMbps ; } } augment "/nw:networks/nw:network" { description "Add of some network global configurations."; leaf physical-overhead { type irtty:tDataByte ; description "The phycical overhead in bytes. Shall be 20 bytes."; } leaf mac-overhead { type irtty:tDataByte ; description "The mac overhead in bytes. Shall be 22 bytes."; } leaf protocol-overhead { description "The protocol overhead in bytes. This field is used if the network uses a single protocol."; type irtty:tDataByte ; } leaf minimal-payload { description "The minimal payload of a frame"; type irtty:tDataByte ; } leaf maximal-payload { description "The maximal payload of a frame"; type irtty:tDataByte ; } } }