@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
and Q < MMS . F_PT . F_FC . Data . Q_MaxDs )
with Pre => On_State = RUNNING ;
function Selected_Option return Navigation_Option_Typ e with
function Selected_Option return Speed_Or_Altitud e with
Global => ( Input => Operating_Mode_State ,
Proof_In => Private _ State ) ,
Pre => On_State = RUNNING ;
@ -193,8 +193,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
@@ -193,8 +193,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
Global => ( Input => Input_State ,
In_Out => Operating_Mode_State ) ,
Pre => On_State = RUNNING ,
Post => Selected_Option in SPEED | ALTITUDE
and then
Post =>
( if Already_Running
and then not Operating_Mode_Changed
and then not Operating_Point_Changed
@ -236,7 +235,8 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
@@ -236,7 +235,8 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
and then not Emergency_Landing
and then Start_Take_Off
On_State = RUNNING ,
On_State = RUNNING
and then Running_State = TAKE_OFF ,
On_State = INIT
and then not Emergency_Landing
@ -260,11 +260,43 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
@@ -260,11 +260,43 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
and then
( if Running_State = LANDING then
not ( P_Dot = 0.0 and then Q_Dot = 0.0 ) )
and then
( if Running_State = FLIGHT then not Start_Landing )
and then
( if Running_State = TAKE_OFF then not Operating_Point_Changed )
and then
( if not In_Safety_Envelope then
Time_Since_In_Safety_Escape < = MMS . F_PT . F_FC . Data . Escape_Time )
On_State = RUNNING ,
On_State = RUNNING
and then Running_State = Running_State ' Old ,
On_State = RUNNING
and then not Emergency_Landing
and then Running_State = TAKE_OFF
and then Operating_Point_Changed
and then
( if not In_Safety_Envelope then
Time_Since_In_Safety_Escape < = MMS . F_PT . F_FC . Data . Escape_Time )
- - A change in the Operating_Point means that the Take_Off phase is
- - over , see # 28.
On_State = RUNNING
and then Running_State = FLIGHT ,
On_State = RUNNING
and then not Emergency_Landing
and then Running_State = FLIGHT
and then Start_Landing
and then
( if not In_Safety_Envelope then
Time_Since_In_Safety_Escape < = MMS . F_PT . F_FC . Data . Escape_Time )
On_State = RUNNING
and then Running_State = LANDING ,
On_State = RUNNING
and then not Emergency_Landing
@ -286,6 +318,12 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
@@ -286,6 +318,12 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
- - Propulsion / Braking Mutual Exclusion - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
subtype Propulsion_State_Type is Engine_State_Type
subtype Braking_State_Type is Engine_State_Type
function Go_To_Braking return Boolean is
( not In_Safety_Envelope
and then
@ -372,45 +410,61 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
@@ -372,45 +410,61 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
function Set_Point_Altitude return Current_Altitude_Type with
Global => ( Input => Trajectory_State ,
Proof_In => Private _ State ) ,
Proof_In => ( Private _ State ,
Operating_Mode_State ,
Mutual_Exclusion_State ) ) ,
Pre => On_State = RUNNING ;
function Intermediate_Set_Point_Altitude return Current_Altitude_Type with
Global => ( Input => Trajectory_State ,
Proof_In => Private _ State ) ,
Proof_In => ( Private _ State ,
Operating_Mode_State ,
Mutual_Exclusion_State ) ) ,
Pre => On_State = RUNNING ;
function Close_To_Set_Point_Altitude return Boolean with
Global => ( Input => Trajectory_State ,
Proof_In => Private _ State ) ,
Proof_In => ( Private _ State ,
Operating_Mode_State ,
Mutual_Exclusion_State ) ) ,
Pre => On_State = RUNNING ;
- - True if we are close enough to the set point . Used to avoid Zeno effect .
function Intermediate_Set_Point_Altitude_Reached return Boolean with
Global => ( Input => Trajectory_State ,
Proof_In => Private _ State ) ,
Proof_In => ( Private _ State ,
Operating_Mode_State ,
Mutual_Exclusion_State ) ) ,
Pre => On_State = RUNNING and then Already_Running ;
- - True if we have reached the previous intermediate set point .
function Set_Point_Speed return Current_Speed_Type with
Global => ( Input => Trajectory_State ,
Proof_In => Private _ State ) ,
Proof_In => ( Private _ State ,
Operating_Mode_State ,
Mutual_Exclusion_State ) ) ,
Pre => On_State = RUNNING ;
function Intermediate_Set_Point_Speed return Current_Speed_Type with
Global => ( Input => Trajectory_State ,
Proof_In => Private _ State ) ,
Proof_In => ( Private _ State ,
Operating_Mode_State ,
Mutual_Exclusion_State ) ) ,
Pre => On_State = RUNNING ;
function Close_To_Set_Point_Speed return Boolean with
Global => ( Input => Trajectory_State ,
Proof_In => Private _ State ) ,
Proof_In => ( Private _ State ,
Operating_Mode_State ,
Mutual_Exclusion_State ) ) ,
Pre => On_State = RUNNING ;
- - True if we are close enough to the set point . Used to avoid Zeno effect .
function Intermediate_Set_Point_Speed_Reached return Boolean with
Global => ( Input => Trajectory_State ,
Proof_In => Private _ State ) ,
Proof_In => ( Private _ State ,
Operating_Mode_State ,
Mutual_Exclusion_State ) ) ,
Pre => On_State = RUNNING and then Already_Running ;
- - True if we have reached the previous intermediate set point .
@ -419,62 +473,83 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
@@ -419,62 +473,83 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Behavior with SPARK_Mode is
Proof_In => Private _ State ) ,
Pre => On_State = RUNNING and then Running_State = LANDING ;
function Close_To_Set_Point return Boolean is
( if Selected_Option = ALTITUDE then Close_To_Set_Point_Altitude
else Close_To_Set_Point_Speed )
with Pre => On_State = RUNNING ;
procedure Reference_Trajectory_Computation with
- - Computed at each cycle . Slower rates are possible but not too slow .
Global => ( Input => ( Input_State , Private _ State ) ,
Global => ( Input => ( Input_State , Private _ State , Operating_Mode_State ) ,
In_Out => Trajectory_State ) ,
Pre => On_State = RUNNING ,
Post =>
- - For landing , a distance objective is added to the zero - altitude
- - objective . Landing must occur at range completion .
- - ? ? ? How is it used by the PID ?
( if Running_State = FLIGHT then
Set_Point_Altitude = Operating_Point . Altitude
and then Set_Point_Speed = Operating_Point . Speed
- - For landing , the target , or preset operating point , or ( final ) reference
- - value , is more complicated than for the other phases .
- - For all phases except landing there is only one target : either a Speed
- - value or an Altitude value . But for landing there are three of them :
- - - Current_Range ~ Mission_Range , i . e ( Current_Range - Mission_Range
- - = < DeliveryPrecisionUpperBound ) .
- - - Current_Altitude = 0
- - - Current_Speed = 0
- - ( see # 29 )
( if Running_State = LANDING then
Set_Point_Altitude = 0
and then Set_Point_Speed = 0
and then Set_Point_Distance = Mission_Range )
and then Set_Point_Distance = Mission_Range
( Set_Point_Altitude = Operating_Point . Altitude
and then Set_Point_Speed = Operating_Point . Speed ) )
- - Instead of giving the true set - point to propulsion control , it gives
- - half of the change amplitude . When current intermediate set - point is
- - reached , a new one is computed ( zeno like aspects to be addressed for
- - convergence .
- - convergence ) .
- - Module is reset by any operating point change .
and then
( if not Already_Running
or else ( Running_State = FLIGHT and then Operating_Point_Changed )
or else ( Intermediate_Set_Point_Speed_Reach ed
and then not Close_To_Set_Point_Speed ) then
Intermediate_Set_Point_Speed =
( Set_Point_Speed + Current_Speed ) / 2
elsif Close_To_Set_Point_Speed then
Intermediate_Set_Point_Speed = Set_Point_Speed
else Intermediate_Set_Point_Speed = Intermediate_Set_Point_Speed ' Old )
Intermediate_Set_Point_Speed =
( if not Already_Running
or else Operating_Point_Chang ed
or else ( Intermediate_Set_Point_Speed_Reached
and then not Close_To_Set_Point_Speed )
( Set_Point_Speed + Current_Speed ) / 2
elsif Close_To_Set_Point_Speed then Set_Point_Speed
else Intermediate_Set_Point_Speed ' Old )
and then
( if not Already_Running
or else ( Running_State = FLIGHT and then Operating_Point_Changed )
or else ( Intermediate_Set_Point_Altitude_Reached
and then not Close_To_Set_Point_Altitude ) then
Intermediate_Set_Point_Altitude =
( Set_Point_Altitude + Current_Altitude ) / 2
elsif Close_To_Set_Point_Altitude then
Intermediate_Set_Point_Altitude = Set_Point_Altitude
else Intermediate_Set_Point_Altitude = Intermediate_Set_Point_Altitude ' Old )
Intermediate_Set_Point_Altitude =
( if not Already_Running
or else Operating_Point_Changed
or else ( Intermediate_Set_Point_Altitude_Reached
and then not Close_To_Set_Point_Altitude )
then ( Set_Point_Altitude + Current_Altitude ) / 2
elsif Close_To_Set_Point_Altitude then Set_Point_Altitude
else Intermediate_Set_Point_Altitude ' Old )
- - Changes in the operating point provoque termination of the current
- - cruise phase and activate a transient climb or descent phase to
- - capture the new operating point ( see 6.6 . 4 4. Cruise ) .
- - ? ? ? How is the current Flight_Phase computed ?
and then
( if Running_State = FLIGHT and then Operating_Point_Changed then
Flight_Phase in CLIMB | DESCENT ) ;
and then Flight_Phase =
( if Running_State = LANDING then
elsif not Already_Running
or else Operating_Point_Changed
or else not Close_To_Set_Point
( if ( Selected_Option = ALTITUDE
and then Current_Altitude < Set_Point_Altitude )
or else
( Selected_Option = SPEED
and then Current_Speed < Set_Point_Speed )
then CLIMB
else DESCENT )
else CRUISE ) ;
procedure Gain_Scheduling with
Global => ( Input => ( Input_State ,