Commit dcc31960 authored by Claire Dross's avatar Claire Dross

Layer2_MMS_SW_SPARK update parameter data items

parent 673d65e8
......@@ -79,25 +79,29 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output is
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Mode_Switch;
function Bay_Switch return Bay_Switch_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Bay_Switch;
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Bay_Switch;
function USB_Key return Navigation_Parameters_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.USB_Key;
-- To F_MM and F_FC --
function Payload_Mass return Payload_Mass_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Payload_Mass;
function USB_Key return Navigation_Parameters_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.USB_Key;
-- To F_FC --
function P return Distance_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.P;
function P return Current_Range_Type;
-- From MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.P, conversion needed
function P_Dot return Speed_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.P_Dot;
function P_Dot return Current_Speed_Type;
-- From MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.P_Dot, conversion needed
function Q return Altitude_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Q;
function Q return Current_Altitude_Type;
-- From MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Input.Q, conversion needed
end MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output;
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_EM.Input is
-- From F_CM --
function P_Dot return Speed_Type
function P_Dot return Current_Speed_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.P_Dot;
end MMS.F_PT.F_EM.Input;
with MMS.F_PT.Data;
package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Data is
-- ??? Types need to be precisely defined.
......@@ -8,28 +10,34 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Data is
-- From
type Gain_Type is new Integer; -- ??? some bounds
type Gain_Triple is record
Kd : Gain_Type;
Kp : Gain_Type;
Ki : Gain_Type;
end record;
Flight_Domain_Mesh : Flight_Domain_Mesh_Type (1 .. 100, 1 .. 100); -- ??? bounds
function Climb_Gains
(Mass : Payload_Mass_Type;
Altitude : Current_Altitude_Type;
Speed : Current_Speed_Type) return Gain_Triple;
(S : Flight_Speed_Center;
A : Flight_Altitude_Center;
M : Payload_Mass_Center) return Gain_Triple
Pre => S in Flight_Domain_Mesh'Range (1)
and then A in Flight_Domain_Mesh'Range (2)
and then M in MMS.F_PT.Data.Payload_Mass_Grid'Range;
function Cruise_Gains
(Mass : Payload_Mass_Type;
Altitude : Current_Altitude_Type;
Speed : Current_Speed_Type) return Gain_Triple;
(S : Flight_Speed_Center;
A : Flight_Altitude_Center;
M : Payload_Mass_Center) return Gain_Triple
Pre => S in Flight_Domain_Mesh'Range (1)
and then A in Flight_Domain_Mesh'Range (2)
and then M in MMS.F_PT.Data.Payload_Mass_Grid'Range;
function Descent_Gains
(Mass : Payload_Mass_Type;
Altitude : Current_Altitude_Type;
Speed : Current_Speed_Type) return Gain_Triple;
(S : Flight_Speed_Center;
A : Flight_Altitude_Center;
M : Payload_Mass_Center) return Gain_Triple
Pre => S in Flight_Domain_Mesh'Range (1)
and then A in Flight_Domain_Mesh'Range (2)
and then M in MMS.F_PT.Data.Payload_Mass_Grid'Range;
-- Constants --
......@@ -37,15 +45,16 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Data is
-- From
Qdot_MinCl : Integer; -- in angle.s-1
Qdot_MaxCl : Integer; -- in angle.s-1
Q_MaxCl : Integer; -- in angle.s-1
Qdot_MinCr : Integer; -- in angle.s-1
Q_MinCr : Integer; -- in angle.s-1
Pdot_MaxCr : Integer; -- in angle.s-1
Qdot_MinDs : Integer; -- in angle.s-1
Qdot_MaxDs : Integer; -- in angle.s-1
Q_MaxDs : Integer; -- in angle.s-1
Qdot_MinCl : Angular_Speed_Type; -- in angle.s-1
Qdot_MaxCl : Angular_Speed_Type; -- in angle.s-1
Q_MaxCl : Angle_Type; -- in angle
Qdot_MinCr : Angular_Speed_Type; -- in angle.s-1
Qdot_MaxCr : Angular_Speed_Type; -- in angle.s-1
Q_MinCr : Angle_Type; -- in angle
Pdot_MaxCr : Current_Speed_Type; -- in km/h
Qdot_MinDs : Angular_Speed_Type; -- in angle.s-1
Qdot_MaxDs : Angular_Speed_Type; -- in angle.s-1
Q_MaxDs : Angle_Type; -- in angle
Escape_Time : Integer; -- in s
......@@ -7,14 +7,17 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_FC.Input is
-- From F_CM --
function P return Distance_Type
function P return Current_Range_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.P;
function P_Dot return Speed_Type
function P_Dot return Current_Speed_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.P_Dot;
function Q return Altitude_Type
function Q return Current_Altitude_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.Q;
function Payload_Mass return Payload_Mass_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.Payload_Mass;
-- From F_MM --
package MMS.F_PT.F_FC is
type Flight_Cell_Center_Type is record
Speed : Current_Speed_Type;
Altitude : Current_Altitude_Type;
end record;
end MMS.F_PT.F_FC;
\ No newline at end of file
type Flight_Speed_Center is new Positive;
type Flight_Altitude_Center is new Positive;
type Flight_Domain_Mesh_Type is array
(Flight_Speed_Center range <>, Flight_Altitude_Center range <>)
of Flight_Cell_Center_Type;
type Gain_Type is new Integer; -- ??? some bounds
type Gain_Triple is record
Kd : Gain_Type;
Kp : Gain_Type;
Ki : Gain_Type;
end record;
end MMS.F_PT.F_FC;
with MMS.F_PT.Data;
package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Data is
......@@ -6,41 +8,64 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Data is
-- From
function Viability_Amode_initial
(Payload_Mass : Payload_Mass_Type;
Distance : Current_Range_Type;
Navigation_Mode : Navigation_Mode_Type;
Altitude : Current_Altitude_Type;
Speed : Current_Speed_Type)
return Energy_Level_Type;
function Viability_Amode_cruise
(Payload_Mass : Payload_Mass_Type;
Distance : Current_Range_Type;
Navigation_Mode : Navigation_Mode_Type;
Altitude : Current_Altitude_Type;
Speed : Current_Speed_Type)
return Energy_Level_Type;
function Viability_RPmode_initial
(Payload_Mass : Payload_Mass_Type;
Distance : Current_Range_Type;
Navigation_Mode : Navigation_Mode_Type;
Altitude : Current_Altitude_Type;
Speed : Current_Speed_Type)
return Energy_Level_Type;
function Viability_RPmode_cruise
(Payload_Mass : Payload_Mass_Type;
Distance : Current_Range_Type;
Navigation_Mode : Navigation_Mode_Type;
Altitude : Current_Altitude_Type;
Speed : Current_Speed_Type)
return Energy_Level_Type;
Amode_Initial_Domain_Mesh : Viability_Domain_Mesh_Type
(1 .. 100, 1 .. 100, 1 .. 100); -- ??? bounds
function Viability_Amode_Initial
(M : Payload_Mass_Center;
D : Viability_Distance_Center;
A : Viability_Altitude_Center;
S : Viability_Speed_Center) return Energy_Level_Type
with Pre => M in MMS.F_PT.Data.Payload_Mass_Grid'Range
and then D in Amode_Initial_Domain_Mesh'Range (1)
and then A in Amode_Initial_Domain_Mesh'Range (2)
and then S in Amode_Initial_Domain_Mesh'Range (3);
Amode_Cruise_Domain_Mesh : Viability_Domain_Mesh_Type
(1 .. 100, 1 .. 100, 1 .. 100); -- ??? bounds
function Viability_Amode_Cruise
(M : Payload_Mass_Center;
D : Viability_Distance_Center;
A : Viability_Altitude_Center;
S : Viability_Speed_Center) return Energy_Level_Type
with Pre => M in MMS.F_PT.Data.Payload_Mass_Grid'Range
and then D in Amode_Cruise_Domain_Mesh'Range (1)
and then A in Amode_Cruise_Domain_Mesh'Range (2)
and then S in Amode_Cruise_Domain_Mesh'Range (3);
RPmode_Initial_Domain_Mesh : Viability_Domain_Mesh_Type
(1 .. 100, 1 .. 100, 1 .. 100); -- ??? bounds
function Viability_RPmode_Initial
(M : Payload_Mass_Center;
D : Viability_Distance_Center;
A : Viability_Altitude_Center;
S : Viability_Speed_Center) return Energy_Level_Type
with Pre => M in MMS.F_PT.Data.Payload_Mass_Grid'Range
and then D in RPmode_Initial_Domain_Mesh'Range (1)
and then A in RPmode_Initial_Domain_Mesh'Range (2)
and then S in RPmode_Initial_Domain_Mesh'Range (3);
RPmode_Cruise_Domain_Mesh : Viability_Domain_Mesh_Type
(1 .. 100, 1 .. 100, 1 .. 100); -- ??? bounds
function Viability_RPmode_Cruise
(M : Payload_Mass_Center;
D : Viability_Distance_Center;
A : Viability_Altitude_Center;
S : Viability_Speed_Center) return Energy_Level_Type
with Pre => M in MMS.F_PT.Data.Payload_Mass_Grid'Range
and then D in RPmode_Cruise_Domain_Mesh'Range (1)
and then A in RPmode_Cruise_Domain_Mesh'Range (2)
and then S in RPmode_Cruise_Domain_Mesh'Range (3);
-- From 6.6.4 Mission termination control
Glide_Distance_Domain_Mesh : Glide_Domain_Mesh_Type (1 .. 100); -- ??? bounds
function Glide_Distance
(Altitude : Current_Altitude_Type) return Current_Range_Type;
(AI : Glide_Altitude_Center) return Current_Range_Type
with Pre => AI in Glide_Distance_Domain_Mesh'Range;
end MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Data;
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ package MMS.F_PT.F_MM.Input is
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.Mode_Switch;
function Bay_Switch return Bay_Switch_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.Bay_Switch;
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.Bay_Switch;
function Payload_Mass return Payload_Mass_Type
renames MMS.F_PT.F_CM.Output.Payload_Mass;
package MMS.F_PT.F_MM is
type Viability_Cell_Center_Type is record
Distance : Current_Range_Type;
Altitude : Current_Altitude_Type;
Speed : Current_Speed_Type;
end record;
end MMS.F_PT.F_MM;
\ No newline at end of file
type Viability_Distance_Center is new Positive;
type Viability_Altitude_Center is new Positive;
type Viability_Speed_Center is new Positive;
type Viability_Domain_Mesh_Type is array
(Viability_Distance_Center range <>,
Viability_Altitude_Center range <>,
Viability_Speed_Center range <>)
of Viability_Cell_Center_Type;
type Glide_Altitude_Center is new Positive;
type Glide_Domain_Mesh_Type is array
(Glide_Altitude_Center range <>) of Current_Altitude_Type;
end MMS.F_PT.F_MM;
package MMS.F_PT is
type Current_Range_Type is range 1 .. 1_000_000; -- in meters
type Current_Speed_Type is range 1 .. 500; -- in km/h
type Current_Altitude_Type is range -200 .. 1_000; -- in meters
type Angle_Type is new Float; -- in Angle bounds???
type Angular_Speed_Type is new Float; -- in Angle.s-1 bounds???
type Estimated_Total_Mass_Type is delta 0.1 range 5.0 .. 10.0; -- in kg ???
type Energy_Level_Type is range 0 .. 500; -- in kj
type Operating_Point_Type is record
Altitude : Current_Altitude_Type; -- ??? which altitude type
Speed : Current_Speed_Type; -- ??? which speed type
end record;
type Payload_Mass_Center is new Positive;
type Payload_Mass_Grid_Type is array (Payload_Mass_Center range <>)
of Payload_Mass_Type;
end MMS.F_PT;
\ No newline at end of file
end MMS.F_PT;
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ package MMS is
type Bay_Switch_Type is (OPEN, CLOSED);
type Payload_Mass_Type is delta 0.1 range 1.0 .. 5.0; -- ??? in kg
type Payload_Mass_Type is new Integer range 0 .. 98; -- in kg
type Distance_Type is new Float; -- in n.m
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ package MMS is
type Altitude_Type is new Float; -- in ft
type Rotactor_Type is range 1 .. 9;
type Rotactor_Type is range 0 .. 9;
type CP_Switches_Type is record
Power : Boolean;
......@@ -75,19 +75,4 @@ package MMS is
end record;
type Torque_Type is delta 0.0001 range -10.0E6 .. 10.0E6; -- ???
type Current_Range_Type is range 1 .. 1_000_000; -- in meters
type Current_Speed_Type is range 1 .. 500; -- in km/h
type Current_Altitude_Type is range -200 .. 1_000; -- in meters
type Estimated_Total_Mass_Type is delta 0.1 range 5.0 .. 10.0; -- in kg ???
type Energy_Level_Type is range 0 .. 500; -- in kj
type Operating_Point_Type is record
Altitude : Current_Altitude_Type; -- ??? which altitude type
Speed : Current_Speed_Type; -- ??? which speed type
end record;
end MMS;
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