Authored by Carla Cain

Are Women More Intelligent than Men?

Some people may say that men are more intelligent than women while others believe it is vice versa. The judgment will depend on the measure of intelligence. Scientists and researchers gauge the level of a person’s IQ by giving him/her a test. However, the outcome of the test depends not only on the knowledge the person has, but also on his/her exposure, mood, body condition time of taking the test, etc. therefore, I do not believe that this is a real measure of intelligence. I think that both men and women are talented in different ways and this is quite an issue for poster board presentation ideas

Someone may say that men are more intelligent because they design most of the inventions, such as the watch, compass, phone, vehicles, and much more. I think that they invented all these because they had more time to think of anything they came across. Women dedicate more of their time to taking care of children and looking after their home, meaning they only had few hours of rest. Men were just supervisors and engaged in a few roles. Most of them were doing military service and war did not happen every day, consequently, they had time to think of any unorthodox ideas like why an apple falls instead of going up, count days, why some stars were moving, etc.

Men has been having easier access to schooling since education was invented. It is only later that women got a chance to go to school. Among pupils, the boy to girl ratio is still not 1:1 in the whole world. As the result, more women are illiterate but it does not mean that they are not intelligent. However, one cannot judge about someone’s intelligence because of the results of a literate-based IQ test. Some people are more exposed to knowledge and thus know more things, however, erudition and intelligence are not the same.

At school, more boys perform better than girls in science subjects while girls perform better in art subjects. Some people perceive sciences to be more valuable than arts. However, both fields require intelligence. Generally, women are good at memorizing things thus do better at arts while men are better at understanding the procedures and that is why they do better at sciences. Those who perceived sciences to be more important subjects were still men because they were in control of education. Women had little or no chance of making decisions about education. More progress in women performance will be seen once more women take part in making decisions about women education.

It is true that there have been more men leaders in the world than women. A leader must be highly intelligent as there are many challenges to face. It is also true that women who have got a chance to be in leadership positions have proven that women can also provide strong leadership. The only difference is that they have not been given a chance. Traditionally, people obtained leadership through war, and these were men who participated in it. It is obvious that only men could have become leaders during that time since they are physically stronger than women. On the other hand, women were nurturing and that is why there are traditionally more female teachers and nurses than males. However, nowadays people see that each gender can be equally good at different roles.

Based on the aforementioned points, I believe that both men and women are equally intelligent. Men had more time to think of anything they saw which led to inventions while women were taking care of children and homes. Male were given easier access to schooling. At school, boys do better at sciences while girls do better at arts. There have been more men leaders than women, but those who have been in leadership have proven that female leaders can also exercise effective leadership. Nowadays, when both genders are gaining access to the professions of their preferences, it becomes obvious that both men and women can be equally successful in completion of various intellectual tasks. Therefore, I cannot say that one gender is more intelligent than another. The world needs different abilities and strengths of both women and men.

Some people may say that men are more intelligent than women while others believe it is vice versa. 99 Bytes
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