Authored by Zoe Scott


Writers often create characters which oppose and contradict each other. They do it on purpose because this way, qualities of one character will be strongly emphasized thanks to contrast with another character. It may be seen in a play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. The story centers on Macbeth, who is a Scottish general and I wrote about it with differences between highschool and college essay help. After he hears certain prophecies which state he will be a king, Macbeth starts acting in a negative way, he is killing in order to gain power. Hence, his example of a good warrior turned in a bad one because of the political affairs and personal ills. Although Macbeth is the main character of the work as well as the protagonist, he is very unlikable. Shakespeare created another minor character to serve as a foil to Macbeth emphasizing on his distinctive qualities. This character is Banquo. He is also ambitious, but he has never done anything immoral to make his ambitions come true. There is a direct connection between Macbeth and Banquo because the latter embodied everything Macbeth had rejected. Banquo was able to control his ambitions and lead a decent life while Macbeth's will was weak enough to do horrible things and murders. The fact that Macbeth murdered Banquo only shows the opposition between the characters because Macbeth represents evil which killed goodness. Hence, it is Banquo's ghost which haunts Macbeth as a constant reminder of his wrongdoings as well as the inability to be morally strong and resist evil temptations. The relations between Macbeth and Banquo help readers see the bad qualities of Macbeth and only strengthen them in comparison with noble and strong-willed Banquo. Banquo is a foil of Macbeth as a person who represents somebody choosing another way. Clearly, in the very beginning, both characters seemed very alike because both were great warriors who possessed strong personalities and characteristics. Nevertheless, as the play progressed, Banquo was able to remain the same person while Macbeth lost his good side, murdered Banquo which eventually led to his own ruin.

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