Authored by Harold C Repass

Compare and Contrast Essays

In this type of essay the main focus is on comparing two ideas, problems, events etc. This type of writing develops your critical thinking and argumentation skills. It also shows how well you have researched and comprehended the topic.

One thing that should be kept in mind is that your text would do the job at that time, it’s a make or break situation, will your essay be remembered? Will there be something that would catch their attention? Why would they consider your essay out of the thousands that they already have on their desk? These are some of the questions that the applicant must ask themselves before writing.

In a compare and contrast essay, basically there is a debate between two theories or any two ideas. The main element that is very necessary is that the argument that you are posting against a certain idea should be firmly backed with proven facts and figures. An outline of writing coursework help is given below:

• Strong theme: the subject matter or the theme of the topic should be one which should raise questions in the mind of the reader. The topic should be such which could derive a result post or a conclusion in the readers mind. • 4W’s: First and foremost the four W’s are very important. The writers must ask these questions to themselves:

  1. Who?
  2. Where?
  3. What?
  4. Why?

For instance if there are two events that are asked to be compared then the writer must focus on these questions. Who were the stakeholders in those events? Where did the event occur? What was the motive of the two parties? Why did the event take place? These are the basic questions that must be answered to start the essay.

• Prepare a list: a list of similarities and differences should be maintained; this would ease the process and would help the writer in posting a good comparison. One important thing that should be mentioned is that comparison can only be built up between two similar things, by this we mean that the writer must search for common things between the subjects that are to be compared.

• Focused argument: for example, if you are comparing World War 1 and World War 2, all the events should be disclosed first, the similarities should be stated so that the reader could have a clear picture about both the events. Then you should base your argument in favor or disagreement.

The major components on which the compare and contrast essays are written can be categorized into three major groups:

i. People (in this group the age, class, race, who are they, what did they do etc are discussed) ii. Piece of literature (deals with novels, stories, articles, speeches, etc) iii. Historic event (the significance of both the events, their aftereffects, consequences are addressed)

A good practice should be to compare point by point so that there should be a clear picture in front of the reader, and no room for confusion should be left.

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